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Opinions of Thursday, 18 September 2014

Columnist: Essien, Daniel

Nkrumaist parties must unite

Fellow Comrades, the challenge facing our parties going into 2016 is no doubt a formidable one. We can therefore not leave anything to chance or complacency in our preparation for 2016.As the black Americans grabbed onto that dream of Martin Luther King and never lost hope, so shall be with Nkrumah’s dreams and hope to build the nation, the day all Nkrumaist parties will present one unified party. This is my dream and also a dream of many dedicated disciples out there. Let us unite and we shall finish the job come 2016.
Fellow Comrades, we should sit down and calculate the amount of money, time and energy that has been wasted all these decades, and yet no Nkrumaist has the capacity needed to win the mandate of the people to lead them. Is it not a pity? The question is, for how long should Nkrumaists waste their precious resources, time and energy for a hope and dreams that has seems to be lost if no action is taken? Can the divided Nkrumaist parties of today be able to win political power in this millennium without taking the pains, putting our egos, and discriminative thoughts aside, to unite today and make it happen.
The blatant truth is, none of these Nkrumaist parties acting on their own because of their counterproductive prestige, will the good people of Ghana ever think of giving us their mandate to rule Ghana so- long as we remain divided. It will be an illusion should any one of Nkrumaist activist to think otherwise. We need to reunite and come together, hand in hand, and step by step to prove to ourselves that we are a community of one. It’s up to us to step up and pick up the hammer, and start rebilding the future, and we need a united Nkrumaist.
Comrades, I am hereby calling on all Nkrumaist parties to stand up this time round and sought to reawaken the spirit of unifying the party that can struggle for the social democratic policy and an economic empowerment. Ghanaians are just waiting to see just one Nkrumaist party that seeks to fight against the neo-colonialist capitalist orientated political parties like NDC and NPP.
The legitimate questions our concerned youth will like to ask the leaders of Nkrumaist parties as to why we have not united are as follows:
1. Have we failed because of our ideological differences?
2. Have we failed because of intellectuality?
3. Have we failed because of lack of understanding between ourselves?
4. Have we failed because of power struggle and selfishness?
5. Have we failed because of our prestige to have more than four ( 4) Nkrumaist’s parties trotting round and preaching the same messages?
6. Have we failed because of tribal differences?
7. Have we failed because of Name and Logo
Decades down the lane in the midst of abundance in human intellect and God-given natural resources, Ghanaian Leaders are still begging at the doors of other nations soliciting for help which would never be forthcoming, and yet Nkrumaist’s disciples who claim to know it all and believe in our mentors ideology of social democratic principles and sense of responsibility are still trotting round preaching Nkrumaist sermons to the victims, but have no clue as to how we can think of uniting as one Nkrumaist party and to turn things round to save Ghanaians from these Capitalism mess.
We should all note that preaching on daily basis of what Kwame Nkrumah did or did not do, during campaign will never give answers to the above questions.

Yours in the Struggle for Unity
DANIEL ESSIEN- 0245734486