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Opinions of Thursday, 6 May 2010

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

No Wonder Akufo-Addo Had A 3rd Class In Economics!!!

It is surprising the way Akufu-Addo is struggling very hard to make himself relevant in the political equation of Ghana when it is very obvious that his bubble burst during the 2008 electioneering period when the diminutive (kapwepwe) character was exposed as an empty barrel with an over-bloated ego and an empty head.

Leading up to the 2008 election, of all the Presidential Candidates, Akufo-Addo was the weakest in terms of intellectual capacity.

It is a matter of fact that Professor John Evans Atta Mills, (now President Atta Mills), was the leader of the pack.

Following closely in joint second, were Dr. Edward Mahama, and Dr. Papa Kwesi Ndoum.

Akufo-Addo came a distant third. Indeed, of all the four major candidates, Akufo-Addo is the only one without a PhD. Not that one needs a PhD to become President; but it is important to make the point that Akufo-Addo does not match-up to the PhD holders and the Law Professor.

Talking about Akufo-Addo being a distant third; we want to state for the record that being associated with the number 3, is nothing new to Akufo-Addo.

It is a matter of fact that Akufo-Addo studied economics for his first degree in Legon.

It is also a fact that Akufo-Addo secured a very bad THIRD CLASS at the end of his three year stay in Legon.

After failing to get a degree in London and finding himself back in Ghana, Akufo-Addo spent three years on Legon campus and ended up with a bad THIRD CLASS.

Yes, Akufo-Addo, the man who is struggling to lead the Narcotics Peddlers Party, and wasting his time dreaming of becoming President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, secured a very bad THIRD CLASS in Economics at Legon. For those who are doubting, they can go to the Registry at Legon and the record will have it that Akufo-Addo secured a very bad THIRD CLASS in Economics. Indeed, were competition as keen as it is today, Akufo-Addo would have ended up with a PASS (Gyi ko didi).

Instead of spending time studying, Akufo-Addo preferred to spend time inhaling certain substances hence his very bad THIRD CLASS.

Having secured a very bad THIRD CLASS in Economics, it is not surprising that two weeks ago, when he launched his bid to once again lead the Narcotics Peddlers Party to another election defeat, the diminutive leader of the wee-choked and cocaine-filled militants within the Narcotics Peddlers Party, displayed his extremely watery understanding of basic economic theories. Playing to the gallery, Akufo-Addo, as has become his stock-in-trade, threw out lots of meaningless words bamboozling an obviously equally uneducated NPP crowd. Akufo-Addo threw out a lot of words that meant nothing to the wise and discerning.

It is a matter of fact that the World Bank Country Director has a better appreciation of the dynamics of economics than the diminutive Akufo-Addo yet the latter chose to call into question the judgment of the former and why the NDC should depend on a World Bank document to let Ghanaians know the extent to which Kufuor and his looting brigade raped and plundered the economy.

The World Bank Country Director, calling a spade a spade, made it clear that the NPP Administration’s reckless expenditure resulting in a budget deficit of over 20%, is surpassed by only Greece, which is in dire financial crisis because of reckless spending.

In a quick and very hard-hitting rebuttal to Akufo-Addo’s effusions, the NDC last week succeeded in exposing Akufo-Addo’s very weak understanding of economics.

To quote the NDC:

“The defeated NPP Candidate also decided to wade into uncharted waters – the economy.

We wonder the kind of economic theory he studied in the University. His appreciation of economic indices and fiscal policy is not only short of logic but lacks the intellectual rigour. For someone who claims to have studied economics, we expected a better insight that the warped and voodoo analysis which makes us cringe. In any case, when we took over, the World Bank Country Director provided documentary proof of the frightening GDP deficit position and fiscal hemorrhaging and gaping holes in the mismanagement of the economy.

We wonder how one could grow an economy by 7% while at the same time run a deficit of over 15%”.

Among other matters, the NDC also flayed Akufo-Addo for being part of a Team that introduced the TOR Debt Recovery Levy and instead of using the money for what it was intended for, rather used the money to fatten the stomachs and bank accounts of conscienceless journalists who supported the NPP to destroy Ghana’s economy in the period of John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor.

Certainly, Akufo-Addo’s sickening THIRD CLASS understanding of economic management has to do with setting up accounts for debt recovery; using the money to bribe conscienceless journalists, and ending up creating a huge hole in the economy.

It is not surprising therefore that Ghanaians, in their collective wisdom, decided not to give Akufo-Addo the mandate to move Mother Ghana forward into more economic mess with his THIRD CLASS understanding of economics. Some of us are not yet finished with this subject of Akufo-Addo and his cacophonous THIRD CLASS understanding of economics and we shall certainly get back to this subject.

For now, we are telling Akufo-Addo to save himself the embarrassment and stop letting the whole world know that he had a very bad THIRD CLASS in Economics at Legon.

Did we hear Akufo-Addo tell President Atta Mills to “FIX” the economy? Well, we are also telling Akufo-Addo to “FIX” his bad THIRD CLASS understanding of economics and stop disturbing the equilibrium of our eardrums.

Nana Biakoye (A True Patriot)