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Opinions of Thursday, 21 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

No to Coup d'état but… and Condolences to….


Like most Ghanaians, I am sick, tired, and scared of coup d'état. However, if it becomes a necessity, an effective weapon within the realm of God to fighting or correcting the ongoing injustices in the country, then so be it. Who am I, a tiny mortal creature without much recognition in my country of birth, to challenge the purpose of God? But who has told me that is the purpose of God the Creator of all things seen and unseen?

? I am sure any imminent coup, if really there is one being plotted by whoever, will not have one Kakra Essamuah of NDC behind it. Should the NDC plan any coup to save them from the ongoing incompetence, mediocrity and over-spilling gargantuan corruption, and also to give them the leeway to flee the country smelling of corruption, then they have got it all wrong. Their plan will be thwarted. Their dreams will not materialise.

? Any pre-arranged attempts to derail any good intentions of the Supreme Court, preventing them from having scrupulous look at the credible evidence made available to them by Nana Akuffo-Addo, Dr. Bawumia and Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey will be resisted with unequally formidable strength. Therefore, Kakra Essamuah and his bunch of nation wreckers should mind what they do before they are consumed in the conflagration of whatever evil they plan, if indeed, a coup is about to take place.

? I am neither going to buy into the latest prophesy of coup d'état by Prophet Owusu Bempah nor refute it. I do not have eyes to see what happens in the spiritual realm. God has not revealed anything about a coup to Kofi Basoah or me. That notwithstanding, I will not condemn the prophet but cultivate that passive attitude of wait and see.

? No, we need to pray to God to avert it. As God reveals to redeem, He may stop it from happening if we shall all join together in faith and in supplication to Him to let such a fate pass us by.

? The only thing able to stop the least expected, most abhorred and inherently fatal coup d'état taking place is for our politicians to behave responsibly. The irresponsible behaviour of our modern day politicians as exemplified by those in the current NDC government and the NDC bigwigs rather calls for military intervention than keeping them at bay from dabbling in politics.

I will resist any act that will prevent God's own purpose for Nana Akuffo-Addo from materialising. God has revealed to Ghanaians through Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben and many others in dreams and in prophesies that Nana Akuffo-Addo won election 2012 but was robbed of the winning verdict. God in His wisdom has directed, and is backing, Nana Akuffo-Addo to retrieve his stolen presidential crown through peaceful means by going to the Supreme Court.

Why should there be a coup d'état before or after the Supreme Court pronouncing judgment? Be warned, all ye that think like Kakra Essamuah of NDC who hails from the Central region. Your own evilness shall consume you in the unquenchable fiery fire of God. Unless any future coup d'état is an act of God for a reason, I shall not support it. ? Why should Alfred Agbesi Woyome be treated with kid's gloves the way the NDC administration is going about the Woyomegate scandal? Is it not all too obvious they connived with him to swindle Ghana of that gargantuan sum of money (GHC51.2 million)? I do not want to delve into details of issues as I have already written extensively on too many issues of national and local interests to Ghana. Will the military not get irritated by how the government through the State attorneys is dealing with the Woyomegate scandal, purporting to take all Ghanaians for imbeciles?

? Today I am in mourning. I have not only lost people so dear to me, Mr. B.A. Mensah of International Tobacco Ghana Limited, Ama Omenaa (Koofie ba ne me…) but also, the eldest sister of my wife, Madam Yaa Boatemaa of Kumasi Oforikrom whose passing occurred in Kumasi this morning, Tuesday 19 March 2013.

? I pray their souls rest in perfect peace. My heartfelt condolences to the entire bereaved families. I pray alias Kofi "Supper" takes courage in this difficult time of losing his dear mum. Life is in stages. Addressing directly alias Supper, I say, a new stage or leaf in your life and that of your departed mum has turned. Be very courageous as she has taken to the journey purposed for all living souls or things, by God the Creator of all things.

? I share the pains all the affected family members are going through.

? Rockson Adofo ? ? ?