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Opinions of Saturday, 26 January 2013

Columnist: Appiah, Kofi

Northern People’s Party Re-Incarnated Or Kokofu Ball?

Wonders, they say, will never end and will truly never end in Ghana. According to the Electoral Commission, Candidate John Dramani Mahama won the last December 7, 2012 elections. The arrogance with which the Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Djan, announced the results within a 5-minute blitz created suspicion and doubts in the minds of many people. Since then, political analysts and pundits have been digesting the motive and wondering as to what prompted him to pronounce the hastily prepared results to put the whole country into a state of confusion. And to add insult to injury, he rather directed any interested party who was not happy with it but had reservations to go to court for redress, thinking that most Ghanaians were five or six year old class one pupils who have just been admitted to school to begin with the recital of the alphabets and counting of numbers. His posture was really untenable but for peace to prevail, Ghanaians had to exercise some restraint for his insinuating gestures. Since the assumption of the EC chair in 1996, he has been impregnated with so much arrogance that makes him feel very indispensable. He never thought his usual bullying countenance would ever be contested in our law courts one day. As said earlier, there is stupendous crisis that awaits our nation Ghana otherwise, if he were wise enough, responsible and an honest personality, would definitely not have rushed into making that misguided hasty announcement to give room for suspicion, chaos and anarchy. Now the election is being contested in the courts on the premise of falsification of figures by his assigns. HASTY ANNOUNCEMENT May be, before that hasty announcement was made, he never knew that Ghana was, as it were, like a fresh egg in his palm and that the break or make of Ghana indeed hinged on his integrity. All the same, it was imperative for him to have applied circumspection instead of circumventing the whole procedure. Integrity was however nowhere to be found in his vocabulary. The leadership of the NPP (Nana Akufo Addo, flagbearer, Dr. Bawumia, running mate and Jake Otanka Obetsebi Lamptey, chairman, NPP in their personal capacities as citizens of Ghana) save the General Secretary has petitioned the Supreme Court and more so, furnished it with distorted facts and huge figures to buttress their case of electoral fraud. The EC is reported to have carefully and clandestinely deducted huge figures and allegedly added onto the figures of a competitor, thus making him the winner. How on earth could a mortal man with conscience and born of a woman conceive such a wicked and sinister motive like this? As a result of this treachery, Ghana has now become polarized and placed on a time bomb with the police playing fiddle with gunpowder and fire round it. The police would stop at nothing but keep fooling about with misinformation to the public. Some readers will disagree with this assertion but that was the fact. The strange tension mounting all over the place, the road carnage (two fatal accidents claiming 26 and 31 lives in succession and 500 great fires or more since the New Year) too was not a good signal as it has placed the once peaceful and very hospitable country such as ours on the tenterhooks and volatile situation ready for concert at the ancient Rome amphitheatre.

TRIBAL POLITICS However, it became obvious from the blast of the whistle that tribalism, nepotism, ethnicity and old-boyism would be inevitable and brought to play in the selection of appointees. He has realized the need to surround himself with kinsmen who would help galvanize his ambition to fruition. Ghanaians would bear with the author that all the first four names that popped up for appointments were from the north. Well, we are yet to give ourselves time to reflect on the selection of his ministerial portfolios and other appointees. The favorites who are from the Abusuapanin’s backyard would have no choice but to brace themselves up for the number two slots since that was better than nothing.

Her Ladyship the Chief Justice, Mrs. Justice Georgina Theodora Wood, should be cautious and circumspect in empanelling a competent court for the mother of all cases before the Supreme Court. It is the wish of all Ghanaians that this particular case was determined and adjudicated with the utmost fairness and justice it deserved so that the Good Lord would bless our nation with the scriptures found in the book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 28:1-7 that says – “If you obey the Lord your God and faithfully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, he will make you greater than any other nation on earth. 2 Obey the Lord your God and all these blessings will be yours: 3 “The Lord will bless your towns and your fields. 4“The Lord will bless you with many children, with abundant crops, and with many cattle and sheep. 5 “The Lord will bless your corn crops and the food you prepare from them. 6 “The Lord will bless everything you do. 7”The Lord will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack from one direction, but they will run from you in all directions.” If the judges assigned by you to do this majestic work conscientiously do their work without fear or favour to ensure justice prevailed to bring back smiles on all faces, then the above blessings will be bestowed on us all. On the other hand, if by default, the judges should by accident stray and misapplied justice for monetary favours as a result of ethnicity and bias, the same blessings enumerated above should be reversed to be a curse on us all to bear the brunt of the consequences. The author should not hesitate to pray for the invocation of a similar biblical quotation from his Good News Bible re: the seven generational plagues that were visited on the Egyptians of old when they stubbornly tried to prevent the Israelites from leaving them from captivity.

THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S Ghanaians are akin to the Israelites being pursued by the Amalekites. All hope seems to be lost and indeed, there was no savior in sight but the Lord would definitely produce one unsung and unnoticed shepherd boy David from the household of Jesse and the Israelites camp to save the completely lost, hopeless and helpless Ghanaians. Dr. Afari Djan who stepped in the shoes of the Amalekites has commanded his Electoral Commission staff and STL to compound matters to render millions of Ghanaians impotent at a time that we should be in jubilant mood after Xmas to usher the New Year. Certainly, when the final day comes for the judges to pronounce the ‘supreme’ genuine verdict, the Lord will surely be victorious for his people. Madam Gina Wood, personally, my belief is that our (Ghanaians) hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. He is our refuge and fortress. We would, together with David, the psalmist, lift our eyes onto the heavens from where our help cometh. The Lord will not fail Ghanaians; if we have managed to survive the Acheampong/Rawlings eras; especially, “Me ye Nyame na ma ma nsuo ato?”, to wit, Am I God to pour down rains from on high? and the AFRC/PNDC firing squads that claimed the lives of 8 Generals three of which being former Ghanaian Heads of State; namely, Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa, Fred W. Kwasi Akuffo and Ignatius Kutu Acheampong; the rest were Air Vice-Marshall Yaw Boakye, Major-General Robert E. Ashie Kotei, Major-General E.K. Utuka, Rear-Admiral Joy Amedume and Col. Roger Felli, then also, the very sad but chilling and disheartening ones were the carefully planned and orchestrated abduction, dastard and inhuman murder and cruel burning of the 3 High Court Judges - Mrs. Justice Cecilia Koranteng-Addow, then a 6-week old nursing mother, Mr. Justice Sarkodie, Mr. Justice Agyepong and Major Sam Acquah of GIHOC at the military firing range at Bundase near Dawhenya on the Accra-Ada road on June 28, 1982 and finally, the great drought, fires and famine of Ghana in 1983, surely, he will come to our aid in this trying moment because there is hope for the future. All is not lost yet and when the appointed time comes, that should be surely soon, the judges will be shaken to the marrow to set majority of Ghanaians including the impoverished and vulnerable women and children who have been enslaved by Afari Djan’s snares at peace and free from the shackles of the oppressor’s rule. This will ensure that Goliath, the Philistine, would be defeated by David to show the might of Jehovah. After all, a decorated monkey is always a monkey, no matter what, so the author was of the view that the Good Lord will touch the individual hearts of all the judges to give credible verdict no matter how long the determination of this case travels.

QUOTATION “For wrath kills a foolish man and envy slays a simple one.” – Job 5:2. As I always would like to buttress my write-ups with biblical quotations, the above scriptural saying can be amplified with the following story. There is a fable of an eagle who was envious of another eagle that could fly better than he could. One day, the jealous eagle saw a hunter with a bow and arrow and said to him, “I wish you would bring down that eagle flying high up there.” The hunter said he would if he had some feathers for his arrow. So the jealous eagle pulled one of his feathers for the hunter to use on his arrow. The arrow was shot but it didn’t quite reach the targeted eagle because he was flying too high. That disappointed the jealous eagle so he pulled out another feather to help propel the hunter’s arrows against his opponent. That arrow also missed so the jealous eagle pulled out another feather, then another until he lost many of his strong feathers that he himself couldn’t fly. The hunter saw the weakened and helplessness state of the jealous eagle and turned around to kill it instead. Envy no man; for you do unto others what you would like them do to you. At any given time that you try to prevent someone’s path to prosperity, the gate of prosperity shuts to your household in perpetuity. That is the law of Karma. CLARITY For the purpose of clarity, one of the two eagles here could hypothetically represent the then Candidate John Dramani Mahama as the jealous eagle because, according to one NDC serial caller, he was once an assemblyman; also an MP for Bole-Bamboi constituency for pretty 16 years since 1992. Thereafter, he became a vice president from 2008 under the tutelage of the late president John Evans Mills until he passed on one black Tuesday, July 24, 2012. This unfortunate incident fortunately paved way as a result of our constitution for HE John Mahama to become the caretaker president to finish off the remaining months till the elections. Then Candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo herein is akin to the high flying eagle (with the capability to implement the free SHS educational policy/concept and Zongo Community Endowment Fund). This was to commence September 2013 which his colleague didn’t dream of, let alone have the cream of experts with a mine of professional wealth to devise an equally marketable or potential policy except – ‘ego be keke’ or did I hear that it was ‘ye bedii keke.’ The hunter in the Ghanaian context represents Kwadwo Afari Djan who called for more ammo, monetary gains and other logistics for his boys/girls and other hired foreign agents like the STL from his unsuspecting victim JM to put the country in the anti-clockwise position. If international financial experts and analysts could be invited to cost the national debt that has arisen as a result of the just ended elections, it would run into tens of billions of US Dollars. This illegal debt cannot be cleared before three generations yet unborn because of someone’s lust for power and ambition to become president. The NADMO is reported to have been willfully involved in some colossal sum of money as indebtedness and in the Ghanaian parlance, causing huge financial loss to various para-statal organizations. The feathers too represent the state funding from Kwabena Dufuor’s empire, the nocturnal and clandestine meetings and skirmishes by the NDC top gurus such as Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Yaw Boateng Djan etc and wicked strategies to allegedly benefit JM plus of course some economic gains to induce Electoral Commission staff. The weakened and helpless state of the jealous eagle was when the NPP discovered the enormous discrepancies, thanks to Hon. Adwoa Safo of the Dome-Kwabenya-Abokobi constituency who let the cat out of the bag. She blew the lid off the bottle. Other electoral malpractices and malfeasance included the robbery of her ‘huge and gargantuan’ votes and the falsification thereof of the presidential candidate’s final votes by the already induced electoral misfits. The deal was meticulously articulated and executed in such a way that it could obviously make the deaf and dumb person jubilate to signify the regain of his natural senses of hearing and talking as well as for the blind person to also see the great difference as a genuine evidence. In all these, it should not surprise anybody at all that the police were not in the know or unaware. They were well aware and ahead of the moves hence their regular intimidating calls for peace to announce their combat-readiness! It was all a sham or should I say a ‘hoax’.


The old adage that says, ‘if you cross the great river to marry a wife, you must be ready and prepared for the risk of night journey by canoe’. This is definitely so because by the time you’ve finished the love making with your new found wife to return home via the same route, the canoe operator would have long since closed and gone home to sleep till the next morning. The only alternative available options would be to return to continue with the love affairs or to sleep miserably by the bank of that great river. Here, JM agreed to be provided with fictitious figures to be declared winner and now must be prepared for court litigation. The revelations and the subsequent disclosures in respect of the last election were such that but for the wisdom and disdain for bloodletting, and more importantly, the special prayers offered for the NPP leadership for peace to prevail, Ghana would have become a waterloo despite disparaging comments that would come from the international community for taking that cursory course. We would have witnessed a great bloodbath despite the military’s allegiance to the government of the day. On the contrary, if the military knew the might of the people’s power, especially, Egypt and Libya, with all their sophisticated war machines including the thousands of water cannons, tear gas machines, armored tanks, G3s, AK47 assault rifles, super modern jets and what-have-you, that certainly, Ghana cannot measure up in anyway, yet could not face the people’s power. Yes you can fool some people some of the time, but cannot certainly fool all the people all the time was said by one of the great and most celebrated American presidents, the late Abraham Lincoln. ‘Wo pam ohufuo beberee a, da koro dee woto ne barima’, to wit, if you harass the timid person many a time, one day turns out to be bad and miserable for you. When their end was in sight, these leaders (Hosni Murbarak, Muamar Gaddafi and Eyadema next door) were overpowered to bring an end to their dynasties.

CAUTION Those who thirst for power with hired agents should refrain from that. If they don’t, the Lord would, for the sake of impoverished Ghanaians, the handicap in society, the vulnerable persons and innocent children, tolerate them to have a change of heart and repent for wrong doing but if they fail, He should rain Elijah’s fire and brimstone on all of them. Moreover, their wealth and ill-gotten properties; the skyscrapers or the uncountable mansions, the jet aircraft, ocean going vessels, fishing trawlers, speed-boats, yachts, the limousines, the hummer, Pontiac, Mercedes Benz, horses, camels, donkeys, cattle, mules, sheep, goats and poultry, piggery, agricultural machinery, be it tractors, bulldozers, caterpillars, combined harvesters, irrigation machines, farms and their produce thereof or whatever, should be blown to pieces, then gutted by fire, burnt to ashes and ruined forever. Finally, the homes of such syndicated persons, whether the police or military, beneficiaries or other stakeholders and their accomplices should be wiped out completely from the surface of the earth starting from the firstborn children of their immediate families and distant ones; then the rest of all their children. Again, there should be no ceasefire but to extend to their concubines, dependants and all the strangers who may be found lodging within their homes to serve as a lesson to future selfish individual politicians. Those who try to flee from Ghana to go and enjoy their booty outside our borders by air, sea or land should collectively be killed in air crashes; the others should be drowned in the deep seas and small streams and die unthinkable mysterious deaths through fatal motor accidents. The rest should also be struck to death by lightning and thunder. Even though, vengeance is the Lord’s, the author beseeches the Almighty to listen to this solemn request with circumspection. To bring the curtain down, the entire leadership of the NPP should be greatly commended for their steadfastness, patience and wisdom otherwise, the president would not have spared time to declare a State of Emergency to continually stay in power incognito to make nonsense of the case before the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, some leaders and other distinguished personalities would have their names written in gold by historians and be re-christened with powerful biblical names such as Abraham, Moses, Enoch, Noah, David, Solomon, Joshua, Esther, Debora, Abigail but not a football match involving the players from ancient Kokofu township where, in the absence of a family relation, you’d never get a backpass. The Good Lord should guide you all spiritually to give the best judgment for Mother Ghana in this crucial moment that the world needs peace. A wicked man amongst you may be tempted to accept bribe to pervert justice and to foment trouble for Ghana to shipwreck. However, the determination and adjudication of this test case would portray to the international community and foreign investors that our judicial system could be trusted so that posterity would shower praises for a good job well done for without justice there can never be peace. On the contrary, in the unlikely event that justice was denied which God forbid, believe you me, there would never ever be any general elections in Ghana that sane and discerning Ghanaians would participate in, except for the ‘idiots and nincompoops and poverty-stricken illiterates’ who would queue up for it as their votes would never count; because falsified figures shall always be put down from somewhere by Afari Djan’s successor to determine the winner no matter the consequences.

HUMOUR – Wasn’t Mr. Ebo Barton Odro the then Deputy Attorney-General who once was quoted as saying that the Republic of Ghana i.e. the State did not have a case to answer in a case in court involving ‘The Republic versus Alfred Agbesi Woyome’ that the latter had cunningly outwitted Ghanaians and defrauded us of Gh¢51m? Does it therefore mean that the president did not, in his own wisdom and quest for an unquestionable appointee from amongst the 24 million Ghanaians, find an alternative person to be so appointed except him to that high office of 1st Deputy Speaker of our revered Parliament? Where is Ghana heading to? Are we Ghanaians really serious as a nation at all in our quest for sustainable democracy and development? Why the sudden nose-dive to allow ourselves to be so cheaply ridiculed and maligned in the international circles globally when it comes to parliamentary appointments with many ‘rotten’ peanuts, sour apples and fungus-infested grapes spotted in the food on our dining tables?

By: [email protected]

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