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Opinions of Monday, 21 September 2015

Columnist: Wumpini, Mohammed A. Razak

Northern Region In Electric Mood For Nana Addo's Rise And Build Team

The attention of CENAB Group in the Northern Region has been drawn to a publication on, purporting to be excerpts of a press conference held by a group called 'Concerned members of NPP in the Northern Region'. The group, according to the publication, downplayed the relevance of Nana Addo's Rise and Build tour. It also expressed worry over the lead-role of the National Council of Elders in attempts to suspend the National Chairman, Mr. Paul A. Afoko. The group feared that it might dampen the political fortunes of the NPP, given the record of NDC in profiting from tribal sentiments. Furthermore, the group advised the National Council of Elders to endeavour in finding the whereabouts of the alleged missing funds of the Party, which was alleged to be credited to an ECOBANK account they termed 'secret'. Finally, the group appealed to all members of NPP to ceasefire.

This chapter of the CENAB Group wishes to address, briefly, the concerns, either legitimate or not, raised by the said group in numbers.

1. Relevance of the Rise and Build Tour;
The relevance of this exercise is prevalent in the prominence it received from the start in the Volta Region. The Rise and Build tour is the best political exercise that is promised to re-energizing the rank and file of the Party right from the grassroots. It is an exercise in need to restore hope to the Ghanaian and remind the electorate of the best alternative to the current hardships - the Nana-Bawumia ticket of hope and economic transformation. The Ghanaian needed the flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party to reassure him of the readiness of the NPP to take charge of government in January 2017, amidst the uncharted waters the Party found itself for some period now. The nationwide tour also proves to Ghanaians, practically, that Nana Akufo-Addo is in good shape, both physically and spiritually, to govern the country given their mandate, Insha'Allah, in 2016.

2. Suspension of Chairman Paul Afoko;
For a long time now, we have all condemned one officer or another for managing the Party's affairs in disregard to the Constitution of the Party. Today, the National Council of Elders have followed the dictates of the Constitution and have lodged a complaint of misconduct against the National Chairman, yet a section of us still find another thing wrong? Our laws require that any member or group of members of the Party petitions the Disciplinary Committee if he or they find something wrong with the actions or inactions of an officer of the Party which could cause harm to the Party. In this case, the Disciplinary Committee is expected to hear the National Chairman, Mr. Paul Afoko before passing a verdict on the complaint against him; whether to sustain and punish or reject it. In line with the Party's constitution, if found guilty, Mr. Paul Afoko may be suspended from his position as National Chairman of the NPP. As it stands, however, it is only a complaint against Mr. Paul Afoko; and he is innocent until proven otherwise. The approach of the National Council of Elders is their entitlement per the Constitution of the Party and Mr. Paul Afoko has, also, an entitlement of fair-hearing per the law of natural justice. It is the hope of CENAB Group-NR that both rights are respected, so that justice is assured in the end. The NPP is a party of rule of law and will forever jealously guard this testimony. Hence, we are optimistic that Disciplinary Committee will deliver justice in the best interest of the Party.

3. Tribal sentiments;
The opportunities to play tribal cards against NPP in the North vanished after the Tamale Conference. What tribal cards are available for the NDC to play with in the North? Certainly none! The election of Mr. Paul Afoko and Madam Otiko Afisa Gyaba as National Chairman and National Women's Organizer respectively, especially, was a testament that the NPP is not an Akan Party. These National Officers were the only Northerners in their respective categories, yet they emerged victorious among many Akan contestants then. Therefore, the geography of the Party's National Officers after Tamale showed a fair representation of the country. If any tribal card is to be played at all, it is the NDC instead that should have the grievous worries to sweat about.

4. Missing funds credited to a 'secret' ECOBANK account
The CENAB Group-NR is shocked to note that some people still keep this dead-on-arrival allegation with them. Consequently, it is not surprising that these people are still blinded to the good of the Rise and Build tour to the Party and mother Ghana by extension. At least, it has become public knowledge that the said ECOBANK account is not a secret one; it has been in operation by the Party not now.

The Northern Region remains electrified and the youth poised since yesterday to welcoming Nana Addo's Rise and Build team.

It is worth emphasizing that this press release is carefully prepared to enlighten on the concerns of the Concerned members of NPP in the Northern Region and restore their confidence and that of the general public in the NPP and the flag bearer for victory 2016. This is without attacks and aimed to avoid counter-attacks.

In ending, we wish to remind the NPP members about Nana Addo's appeal for ceasefire and a stop to media campaigning. It is our hope and prayer that our message is understood in the same context of our best intentions for NPP and Ghana’s democracy and development.

Let's rise and build NPP for a prosperous Ghana!

Long live NPP!
Long live Ghana!!
God bless us all!!!

Mohammed A. Razak Wumpini
(Ag. Coordinator, CENAB Group, NR)