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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Not "Lady Macbeth" Agyemang Konadu Rawlings!!!

Ghana may in the next few years have a lady President. I admire ladies being at the helm of affairs. They are most often strict, more professional, and practice less favouritism than their male counterparts. They are also less corrupt. They are always more cautious not to taint their reputation by committing offensive acts tantamount to crime. Why then not encourage them to aspire for the highest office of the nation, thus, the office of the presidency? This is the ultimate, but hidden agenda of Lady Rawlings. She is desirous to successfully contesting the Vice chair of the NDC come next year.

The office of the Vice Chairmanship is just a springboard to catapult her to the eventual attainment of the office of the presidency. Your efforts, Lady Macbeth, in this direction are exemplary. But the question is, "Why do you and your husband, J.J. Rawlings have to slur others in pursuance of your selfish mischievous agendas?" Since yesteryears they have constantly been mudslinging the Former President Kufuor. People did give them the benefit of the doubt for being Ghanaians, and for that matter continually seek to pull their rivals down regardless. Whatever Kufuor did and still does, is seen as evil by this "holier than thou" former First family. They have been displaying same scandalously unethical, egoistic attitude towards the sitting President, His Excellency Evans Atta Mills. I thought they would have some respect for President Mills for belonging in the family of the NDC. But little did I know that this selfish family has no manners. They only think about themselves and themselves only. However they have successfully pretended otherwise to fool many a Ghanaian. This explains why they have a large following of similarly dubious characters.

Power is sweet and power transforms one from the state of absolute hopelessness into a state of full personal assurance with abundance of wealth. The African will never let go power if it can change him/her from an unhealthy state of skeletal "Nchanga" into a bouncing state of current Mr. Rawlings. Whatever is pushing Lady Rawlings, formerly the lookalike of "Nchanga" as read about in our primary school years many years ago, to contest political power is nothing, but pure greediness. Her husband upon all his bravado is the most hated murderer and corrupt person in the annals of Ghanaian politics. He is also the most coward person who is constantly being haunted by his guilty conscience. He is hiding behind some Constitutional clause erroneously indemnifying him from prosecution for his committed crimes against humanity. Wallowing in the security of the said clause to inflict further damage on other fellow Ghanaians is the trait of a coward. No time is permanent; it will one day catch up with him. When a pig wallows freely in its own shit, little does it know that it is quickly putting up weight to sooner be marched to the slaughterhouse?

I love to see a Lady President in Ghana in future but not this Nana Agyemang Konadu Rawlings. She undermines authority all because of her hidden agenda. She has got Ekow Spio Garbrah, another pretender to her side to plot against President Mills. Why do the Rawlingses hate President Mills? They feel let down because Mr. Mills reneged on his promise to allow Rawlings, the "strongman" of Ghana to dictate to him. The Rawlingses feel let down because Mr. Mills has not allowed them to rule Ghana for the fifth time through him. They ruled Ghana in the AFRC, PNDC and twice under the NDC. What a bunch of selfish power hungry guys?

One day, God willing, Rawlings will stand trial for crimes against humanity. Being confronted with this fact in his dreams, he wants to escape justice by seeking to rule Ghana onto death. In that case, he becomes untouchable as long as he lives. Try as he does, justice will catch up with him. Anyone who thinks the time lapse may not permit the future trial of Rawlings is simply daydreaming. Read about other countries and their past Presidents. Precedent has been set in other countries.

Please, altruist Lady Rawlings, do give peace a chance. Be happy with your past as the First Lady of Ghana. You are now history. Give others and Naadu Mills a chance. May I advise that President Mills continues to sideline the Rawlingses until they turn a new leaf for the better! As usual, they seem to distract President Mills with their allegation of his government being full to the brim with "Team B" players. Nonsense! Whether Team A, B or C, we expect results without murders committed and rule of law and due process followed stringently. Rawlings and his "Boy boy" Ekow Spio Garbrah think by incarcerating people as it pertained under his failed military revolutions is an act of "Team A" player; oops!

Rockson Adofo