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Opinions of Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Columnist: Alfred Jones

Nzema East Youth Movement writes to Mahama

John Dramani Mahama, former president of Ghana John Dramani Mahama, former president of Ghana

Dear John Mahama,

The youth of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira welcome you to Nzemaland. We hope this letter finds you in a sombre mood and you will deeply reflect upon its content.

It is our prayer that you will enjoy your three days stay in Nzemaland and Evalue Ajomoro Gwira.

As you visit us, we would want to take this opportunity to remind you of the grandiose insensitivity and the harsh treatment you meted out to the good people of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira under your 8 years government.

For 8 years, we demanded from you and your NDC government that the Axim Sea Defence be fixed because the tidal waves from the sea were destroying lives and properties of the fisher folks along the coast of Axim. For 8 good years, you neglected the pleas and cries of the people who were being agonized by the tidal waves.

Our hopes were however renewed and our smiles brought back to our face when NDC executives in the constituency told us of your intended visit mid-2016. The NDC executives and party faithful alike proclaimed your visit more than Christians proclaim the second coming of Christ. They announced that JM was coming to fix our dreaded sea defence menace and that our saviour was indeed coming. We were hopeful that you were coming to either cut sod for the commencement of the project or you were at least coming to promise us of your intentions to have it done. Unfortunately for us, we were disrespectfully disappointed. You only came to share head pans and told us that "nobody builds a foundation for another person to continue." That was your supposed message of hope to the good people of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira. (We wonder why you want to continue the foundation built by H.E Nana Addo).

The chief and elders of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira pleaded with you to even go and have a look at how bad the situation was, but you ignored them saying, "I didn't come to look at the sea."

H.E John Dramani Mahama, we are happy to announce to you that H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, a man who is sensitive to the plight of the ordinary person in Axim has fixed our Sea Defence for us. Lives and properties are no more at risk in Axim.

Our esteemed Paramount Chief and former President of the Western Regional House of Chiefs, Awulae Attibrukusu III will no more swim to his room when it rains.

The sea Defence wall has now become a tourist site. You are welcome to take a selfie on it as you did at CNN.

H.E John Dramani Mahama, in 2016 you described Ghanaians as people with Short memory. Unfortunately for you, the good people of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira have no short memory and we believe you don't also have. Even if you have, we believe some of your members will be able to remind you.

On the 14th of March,2014 The Omanhene of Gwira traditional area, Awulae Angama Tuagyan II pleaded with you and your government to make Gwira traditional area, a Cocoa District so they can also benefit from Cocobod Welfare Schemes most importantly scholarships so the children of the poor cocoa farmers can also go to school for free as you did.

His Excellency, you and your government insensitively ignored the appeal of the chief.

Today as you visit us, the Nana Addo led the NPP government and Hon. Catherine Abelema Afeku has made Gwira traditional area a Cocoa District. As a result of this, the people of Gwira are enjoying the Cocoa roads. They are enjoying cocoa scholarships and many more.

Under your leadership, the good people of Gwira were unable to get in touch with their families outside because of a bad communication network. Today Hon. Catherine through GIFEC has fixed that problem.

Under the incompetent and Insensitive leadership of you and your NDC government, not even a kilometre of the road was constructed in the Gwira Traditional Area.

Today as you visit us, Gwira Aiyinasi to Gwira Wiawso Road is under construction, Asasetre to Gwira Banso road is under construction, Gyampele road is under construction.

So we ask, what are you coming to tell us? Your usual propaganda and lies?

His Excellency Mahama, in the year 2008 Gladys Asmah of blessed memory cut sod in Axim for the construction of a fishing harbour. Unfortunately, the NPP lost the seat and handed over the reins of power to you and your NDC. For 8years, you and your government neglected that project just because it was started by NPP. We hear you go about crying over neglected projects? May God have mercy on us all.

For your information, the Fishing harbour you neglected for the terrible 8yrs has been resurrected by Hon. Catherine and Nana Addo led the NPP. Today, the fishing harbour is about 60% complete.

We now understand why you have chosen not to visit Axim again. We believe the empty street that greeted your vice presidential candidate, Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman on her visit to Axim now makes sense to you.

In your deceptive manifesto, we hear you are going to start an apprenticeship program for the youth.

For your information, that program has been started by the Minister of State and MP of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira, Hon. Catherine Abelema Afeku already Over 500 youth in Evalue Ajomoro Gwira have been enrolled in vocational skills training. This was done by a woman who loves her children.

So be reminded that your fake promise on enrolling youth in vocational training is not something you can use to deceive the youth of Evalue Ajomoro Gwira. Our MP has already given us that opportunity without any of us paying a pesewa.

Mr John Mahama, finally you abandoned Evalue Ajomoro Gwira in the distribution of political appointments under your tenure. Our former Member of Parliament, Hon. Tanekyi Kesse, a senior engineer at Tema Oil Refinery prior to his election, was overlooked and rejected by you and Hon. Armah Buah, a former postmaster in the USA with no experience in the oil and gas sector was chosen to be Energy Minister. No wonder we experienced Dumsor as a result of this mismatch and poor sense of judgement from you.

Mr John Mahama, be reminded that the President of the land, H. E Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo recently visited Akango to launch Community Mining which has resurrected Akango and brought back life into the community. Take note that, your advisors selected the now busy community because of what the President and MP did over there; lobbying with Adamus to give part of its concession to the community for free.

The Evalue Ajomoro Gwira electorates have already rejected you. You had your chance as a president but you exhibited gross incompetence and Insensitivity. The 4more 4 Nana campaign is live and hope is already here in Evalue Ajomoro Gwira under the NPP government.

We are giving H. E. Nana Addo and Hon. Catherine Abelema Afeku four more years to do more for us.

#4More4Nana #4more4Catherine #4moretodomore