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Opinions of Friday, 19 October 2018


Obaanin Nana Nkrumah Adasa III, A visionary leader

Obaanin Nana Nkrumah Adasa III Obaanin Nana Nkrumah Adasa III

Abofrem is a village in the Ashanti Region, Ghana, West Africa. The residents engage in farming, largely for subsistence. There is also a lot of poverty around that deprives the children of education and everyone of good health.

The Queen Mother is Obaanin Nana Nkrumah Adasa III. She currently lives in the USA with her husband and three children, but having succeeded her mother to the throne since 2014, she feels its her responsibility to extend the same quality of life that her family enjoys in the USA to the residents of Abofrem. This is the vision behind the Abofrem Area Foundation ( The Foundation can also be accessed on Facebook, and Twitter.

The immediate need has been to address the crumbling school building, lack of books, and lack of educational supplies for the children. The Foundation thanks those who have responded by donating clothing, books and school supplies. The additional cash contributions are targeted to constructing new school buildings.

The hardworking and visionary Queen Mother says:

"Our next project is to set up a medical clinic for the village. We still have a long way to go in improving the lives of the people in my village. I am hopeful and determined that, with the contributions of those who support our cause, things will definitely get better for Abofrem and its immediate area that is home to some 3,000 people."