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Opinions of Thursday, 5 January 2017

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Obinim begs for Collins Dauda's brother

I could not let escape my mind or let go a publication I
> have just read on Ghanaweb this morning, Monday 2 January
> 2017 without expressing my candid opinion about it. What the
> so-called Rev. Bishop Obinim who claims to be able to turn
> into snakes and all sorts of slimy reptiles to the
> hand-clapping and admiration of his probably ignorant
> congregation who for lack of biblical knowledge are
> perishing, has said, must be rebuked.
> This said publication is on Ghanaweb and under their General
> News of Sunday, 1 January 2017 and under the web link:Â

> He is begging the incoming President Nana Akufo Addo and the
> NPP government to forgive or pardon the younger brother of
> Collins Dauda who went on air to audaciously declare that he
> could easily kill Hon. Kennedy Agyepong if he dared him. He
> went on further to say his party NDC and he himself have
> killed so many people as though they were killing nuisance
> houseflies or flies of any kind so exterminating Hon.
> Kennedy Agyapong was just nothing difficult to him.
> Any discerning Ghanaian expected the politicised and
> currently unprofessional Bureau of National Investigations
> (BNI) office to have invited or arrested Abdulai Naaba,
> Collins Dauda’s brother for further interrogation but they
> didn’t. This guy who is an NDC fanatic with his
> brother Collins Dauda being in the NDC government said, he
> has killed people and he can kill again.
> Why was he not arrested by the police or the BNI? If his
> stupid and criminal public utterance had been made by a
> member of the NPP, PPP, CPP, PNC etc., the BNI or that
> stupid Kofi Adams would have led a squad to go and arrest
> him wherever they were same as he did to my Kumawu
> compatriot Nana Darkwah when he falsely or genuinely accused
> former President Rawlings of setting fire to his house at
> Ridge in Accra a few years back on a Valentine's Day.
> Why does Rev. Bishop Obinim want Nana Akufo Addo to pardon
> this self-acclaimed notorious murderer? Is it because he is
> his church member or what? I disagree with any reasons being
> adduced in his favour to prove that he was only bragging but
> incapable of carrying out his alleged murders. Is that
> Abdulai Naaba not an NDC guy and did we all not know the
> silliest and most wicked criminal things that the NDC could
> commit with impunity because they were supportive of by
> President Mahama and the NDC party and government?
> Take the infamous Montie 3 case for example. Did Messrs
> Salifu Maase aka Mugabe, Alistair Nelson and Godwin Ako Gunn
> not threaten to kill some Supreme Court judges and rape the
> Chief Justice, Mrs Theodora Georgina Wood? What happened to
> them in the end? Were they not freed from their prison term
> by President Mahama stupidly exercising his constitutional
> prerogative of mercy?
> President-elect Nana Akufo Addo believes in the rule of law
> and would always want the law to take its natural course
> without interference from whomever. He is not the type of
> President where someone can commit a crime and think I
> belong to NPP or I am a close associate of this person or
> that so I can be set free as it was the blatant order of the
> day under President Mahama and the NDC government hence the
> breakdown in law and order in Ghana as we all saw.
> Bishop Obinim, please don’t start to corrupt Nana Akufo
> Addo and his government before they even assume power with
> what I see as your undignified interference on behalf of
> your murderous church member. If he has run to Burkina Faso,
> let him stay there. His said pregnant wife can join him
> there but the long arm of INTERPOL will be applied to reach
> him wherever he is hiding.
> Why has he run away but did not do so when NDC were still in
> power and were hopeful to win the re-election, relying on
> their secretly-installed rigging machines which were in the
> end rendered inoperative by God Almighty who had Himself
> started that strong wind for change of government from NDC
> to NPP?
> Under President Akufo Addo, there will be law and order.
> Despite supporting him through and through over the years, I
> SHALL NOT DARE do anything silly in the hope that he will
> let me off the hook. No, I know how strict he is when it
> comes to applying the law. He does not know anyone other
> than the law so no one should dare push him to the wall
> thinking they can get away with nonsense as it was in the
> days of the useless and murderous outgoing NDC party and
> government.
> Please, Rev. Bishop Obinim, do not start to plead with Nana
> Akufo Addo on behalf of that self-pronounced murderer. If he
> had not been killing people but just bragging, why should he
> run away from Ghana?
> Rockson Adofo
> (Written on Monday, 2 January 2017)