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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Columnist: Hayford, Kwesi Atta-Krufi

Objective Ghanaians answer the Vice President

By Kwesi Atta-Krufi Hayford

The Vice President John Mahama was in London to attend one of the many NDC merry making parties on Saturday the 9th of October in a plush London Marriott Hotel while Ghanaians wallowed in poverty and filth in our cities. In his speech praising the NDC as having achieved a historical record in the management of the country’s economy during the past 18 months, he said they had turned round the horrific economy in the beginning of the year 2009 when the National Democratic Congress took over the administration of the country.

He said among other things “We have worked phenomenally in respect of putting our economy on a very sound footing” Mr. Mahama said. He also said the country has been able to achieve this by putting in place pleasant economic measures among others to drastically reduce food import and boosting local food production. Mr. Mahama expressed delight in the enhancement of the nation’s food basket saying “we have been able to achieve this primarily due to the food production policies and programmes that are going on very well.”

Amazingly the Vice President noted that by the end of this year, the nation’s GDP will grow into double figures with the figure rising to 15 in 2012. He predicted that Ghana’s GDP may double between six and seven years time considering the pace of development of the economy under the NDC.

When the news broke on Ghanaweb, the people of Ghana responded in an objective manner and these are some of the views I have collated here (unedited).

View 1. “Very interesting proposition. How did the NDC stabilize the Economy? Is it true and right to describe an economy that was transformed from a 42% inflation rate in year 2000, to an inflation rate of 18% in year 2009 as horrific? And we know which people were in charge when inflation was running wild above 42%. When the cedi was in a free fall day by day”.

View 2 “Now what has the NDC done to stabilize the economy and keeping inflation at single digit? The past 20 months in office, we have no idea what their developmental agenda is. Not a single meaningful project that requires greater government funding is in place. So if you sit very tight on the money without spending, apart from the usual discretionally spending then obviously there will be no pressure on the fiscal status and inflation should drop. By the way how many dams had the NDC built and how many Tractors have they imported into the country since coming into office that they boast of increasing Agricultural production? We all know that the NPP when they left office brought in many tractors which the NDC shared among their cronies. Please let’s set the records straight and stop thinking that Ghanaians lack understanding of what is going on.”

View 3 “The ordinary Ghanaian does not understand or feel what you are bragging about---it only makes sense when we can live it. VP--stop the talk talk--do something practical.”

View 4. “I am not a Ghanaian but my wife is a Ghanaian and lives in Ghana. Please my people don’t mind these greedy politicians, all they claim and say in the media is different from what is on ground. My 2 kids are living and studying in Ghana and I know how much money I send to Ghana since this new govt came to power. Everything has increased more than 70%, especially baby food, light bill, water bill and even petrol price.”

View 5. “In my own opinion Kufuor’s government was much better and he brought a lot of development to Ghana including all the on going big road projects all over Ghana. I am an American citizen and I want to tell you this-If you want to know whether a country is doing good or bad just ask the market women and taxi drivers. Each time I come to Ghana I go to these people to know their take on the economy. Over 70% of Ghanaians want a change of government now. Most African politicians are the same; they go to the media and run their mouths like toothless bulldogs while in reality they are not performing. GHANAIANS WAKE UP”

View 6. The economy was in a better shape than when your party was in power - under your mafia moron Lord JJ monster.

View 7.You would say that, wont you? Don't walk on the Wall Street - go to the main street and feel the pain.


View 9. Veep is lying

View 10. Dramani Mahama, Ghanaians are no idiots and illiterates, ok. All Ghanaians aren't as gullible as followers of the NDC; give us a break.

View 11. Do you sincerely believe you are doing a good job with your boss Atta Mess, the undiscerning Professor? Go and brag of your emptiness to your numerous girl friends.

View 12. Why do you run away from Ghana and account on your INVISIBLE economy of improvements? "Nkyene n'kafo ne ho"(salt never praises itself).PEOPLE IN GHANA WILL TELL YOU IN 2012.

So John here you are, these are not my words. They are the words of Ghanaians. What do you have to say about it?

Kwesi Atta-Krufi Hayford

Kwesi Atta-Krufi Hayford is the author of
“Thoughts of the native son”
A series of political thoughts expressed loudly and passionately. These are ideas expressed as a liberal politician, of epicurean philosophy, who believes that together we can build Ghana into a better society if we eliminate all politics of envy, macho posturing, corruption and tribalism. Let us say "YES" to what will make Ghana a truly prosperous nation and say "NO" to more of the same old garbage politics. [[email protected]]