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Opinions of Monday, 25 July 2016

Columnist: Maame Broni

Obroni’s mind: I’m dating your husband and so what?

Maame Broni Maame Broni

Yes I am dating your husband and you want hell to break loose? Please zip it because I’m getting agitated with your rants. You are really getting on my nerves.

I have tried playing it cool in respecting you as the wife, but your continuous failure to recognise me as the mistress is annoying. Well stop thinking I’m a bad page because you have never walked a minute in my shoes before. You call yourself blessed because a wealthy man Mr. Isaac Duke has given you his name. I am not contesting you for the surname, I am only getting a bite of the goodies which obviously is too much for you and your family.

I now understand why there are church goers and there are Christians. The Bible I guess ain’t your friend Mrs. Roselyn Duke. Kindly pick your Bible and read (well that is if you have one) Philippians 2:3-4.

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others”. Please consider my interest in your husband. I don’t intend snatching him from you. Hell no!!! Neverrrda!!! Kyer3 s3 menni time!!!

He is only helping me to sustain in life. He is saving a live while I save his. Yes!!! I’m saving his life. You think he enjoys coiling up in my bed under my warmth for the fun of it? No, it is because you have failed to satisfy him sexually.

He saw you at a tender age, got interested in you and married you. He tells me you are a very good cook but it’s been long he ate from you.

Why do you look surprised?

You’ve left the cooking to the domestic servant. She cooks well, according to your husband, but he loves it when the food is prepared and served by you yet you claim nature makes you busy. Caring for the children and your job.

Well I don’t have a job neither do I have kids so I have the luxury of time to cook for ‘our man’. You see I’m really thoughtful and helpful huh?

Oh please stop rolling your eyes!

He told me the secret to buying for your first car. How you used to assess his underwear before laundry. It was his turn on. But now, your new found love, the washing machine turns him off.

Anyway, before you judge me Mrs., let me brief you about who I am. My name is Naa Lameley Odonkor. A young lady of 27 years and an orphan. Mum died after my 5th anniversary but I never met my dad. I became independent at the age of 11 because no family member could add my burden to theirs.

I became a sex slave to a man in Accra who gave me shelter and food while I also served as a domestic servant in his abode. I have never tasted basic or second cycle education. But thanks to the internet and my ex-boyfriend, I managed to read and write. That guy got me pregnant and refused to accept responsibility because he never intended marrying an illiterate like my type hence the need for an abortion. The worst of it, he drove me out from his house and that brought my blessings; your husband.

Lost in his thinking from your attitude at home, he knocked me down with his vehicle and that was the pivot in my life. Gracefully, Mr. Duke made me know there is something called matured application at the tertiary level. A reason why I have decided to adore him and give him all that you have and keep failing to do.

Please there is no need to get snippy with me because I don’t intend snatching your husband. He knows you are the wife and I am the mistress. Has he ever passed the night outside his matrimonial home aside being on official duties? Has he ever denied you of any entitlement due you? You have two houses in your name, several investments, three cars in your name, you travel abroad at your own pace so why the selfishness? Please stop being greedy and allow me have the bite I deserve.

When the Lord said in Exodus 16:4 that He will rain down bread from heaven and the people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day, what were you thinking? My heavenly Manna is Mr. Duke. Please don’t be a King Pharaoh in my life.

Blood of Jesus!!!

Admitted, he is your husband but don’t forget he is my savior and helper. I don’t wish you bad that is why I don’t allow him spend the night in my house neither am I gonna bear him a child. Try and adjust whilst respecting my existence so we can all live in peace and harmony. Don’t force my hand Mrs. because my options are limitless.

I am being a good ‘friend’ now but I am a better enemy. Well you can think I’m living in a cloud, but I so careless my dear Mrs. I am dating your husband and so what?