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Opinions of Thursday, 5 November 2009

Columnist: Fosu, John

Obstinacy, Obstinacy and Obstinacy

"Obstinacy is the cause of the horns of the hornbill", so an adage goes. The Ever-patient and slow-to-anger God Almighty has revealed his intentions on a case to a people yet they are totally sceptical. His leniency is being taken for a weakness. As the one time controversial but prolific writer, Salman Rushdie, said in his "Satanic Verses book", "It is much easier to convince angels than human beings; for human beings are more difficulty than angels, because they doubt everything". This is exactly the situation with the ongoing Kumawuman chieftaincy disputation. The facts on the ground go to confirm my much touted revealed intentions of God yet, those intransigently bent on proving God a liar out of sheer greediness and stupidity won't budge. It must be noted that God runs out of patience after repeated but unheeded warnings to his people. When He does unleash his fury on the offending mortal, the end result is always unceasing wailings and gnashing of teeth.

The greedy Kumawuhemaa in connivance with her Ankaase "royals" are bent on keeping the Kumawuman paramount throne as theirs, and theirs only. They have although been ascending to the throne for the past several years, they are not the bonafide owners of the throne. The real owners are those of same matrilineal lineage as Barimah Tweneboa Kodua I. God has after several years of their illegal occupation of the throne said, "Let the true royals repossess their throne". The queen with her Ankaase kindred is resisting God's simple request or order to them. They have always gone the extra mile in attempt to fault God. Not only have they, especially the queen, visited numerous Fetishes, Malams and Prophets in a stubborn hope of keeping the throne. The answer has always been, "the throne will go to its rightful owner, thus, the family of Barimah Tweneboa Kodua I. In vain have they tried to cast evil spell not only on the God's appointed one but also, those closely associated with seeing to the manifestation of the wish of God. They have defied God by engaging the services of one disreputable liar, Akua Wurukye, to lie in support of their desperate attempt to keep the throne.

Their attempts to prove God a liar know no bounds. They have been able to influence certain people who see themselves as able to play God with money to delay God's plan meant to ensure the throne goes to its bonafide owner(s). All these attempts are vanities. What God has said is what the final results will be regardless of all the useless ongoing acts of malevolence and tactical delays.

One hopes the Asantehene sits up. He needs to stand up and be counted but not to crouch to threats by the Kumawuhemaa. The truth is there for even a foetus to make a cogent or an informed decision on to whom belongs the throne. The answer to the purporting insurmountable problem lies in the Asantehene's Great Oath so invoked on the queen. Looking elsewhere for a solution is simply whipping about the bush. Although silence is golden, it cannot be under this situation where one is seeking to pervert the cause of justice.

This is over to you, Asantehene, to react appropriately. Respect is earned but not commanded. The only way forward a chief can court the absolute respect of his subjects is to live above reproach. He has to be fair, firm, and friendly. "Justice delayed is justice denied". I will reiterate that people are dying in their numbers in Kumawuman while though, those playing God are sitting in the comfort of their homes dilly dallying. Failing to adhere to fairness or the voice of God out of sheer obstinacy is not only reprehensible but punishable.

The fight is not over until it's over.

John Fosu