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Opinions of Monday, 20 September 2004

Columnist: Albion, Kojo

Oguaanyi Cries with hope- update

?Hope is not an expectation that something will turn out well. It is the conviction that something is worth working for, however it turns out.? (Vaclav Havel)

Ever since the article, ?Oguaanyi Cries with hope,? was first published on January 22, 04, I have been inundated with many positive responses, in fact, too numerous to count. I tried to respond to all those who read it and then wrote to me or called. I promised that as soon as there was a way that we can go to the aid of Cape Coast, I will let you know. Thank you all for reading and for responding.

Well, we serve a God who is able to deliver and He is a way maker. The Lord will make a way where there is no way. I am glad to announce that since the article was first published many things have taken place and I hope that soon Cape Coast and other cities will see a change for the better.

It will be of interest to anyone who has Cape Coast at heart, anyone who was born in or near Cape Coast, anyone who ever went to school in Cape Coast, passed through Cape Coast or anyone who is alive, that we have a great opportunity to do something that will impact Cape Coast.

Hanover Park, Illinois, is the Sister City of Cape Coast < > after some consultations has been able to establish ?Friends of Cape Coast International? (a not for profit tax exempt corporation). Now this Corporation has a Board in the US and another one in Cape Coast.

With input from these Boards and other interested people, Friends of Cape Coast International will be able to transform the lot of Cape Coast. You name it; the Organization wants to deal with it. Exciting days ahead of Cape Coast and so IMAGINE what people of goodwill can do to transform a city.

Just imagine if EVERYONE contributed a little something to help in the transformation of a City. It is possible if everyone who will read this will imagine the possibilities and instead of talking we all do what we can to make a difference. Will you tell others to help too? .

Imagine if a 1000 people who care gave a $100 each? Just imagine what can happen when people of goodwill came together to help a City? Imagine what an example this will be for all those who want to do ?something? but have not been able to do so yet. Now is the time to show that we care.

Will you go to < > and do what you can for the betterment of Cape Coast and beyond? Just imagine if anyone of goodwill gave? ?Ketewa biara nnsua.? It is better to light a candle in the dark than to curse the darkness. Let us give in love so that others may live.

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