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Opinions of Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

Oh!! Anita, Aah!! Desooso, Stealing Dwarfs?

How did Anita Desooso come to be the National Women’s Organiser of the governing National Democratic Congress? Is she the best woman Ndc can draft to occupy such an important position in that party? Anita has engaged in blatherskite before but the comment she made about why the cedi has depreciated recently calls for somebody related to her to check her into Ankaful or Patang mental hospital. What is Desooso's educational background? If the quote below is an apt comment she made, then something is really wrong with her.

"The National Women’s Organiser of the governing National Democratic Congress has blamed the steep depreciation of the cedi against the dollar and other major trading currencies to black magic or juju.Citing the activities of black marketers, currency speculators and other people she describes as “saboteurs”, Ms Desooso, who was recently appointed a deputy National Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), claimed the juju men, who use dwarfs, stole such monies from banks and other financial institutions and inadvertently affected their stability.‘Do we know where they get the money from? Do we know what they do with it? These dwarfs, the black magic, is what has made the cedi lose value,’ she declared."

Is Desooso aware that magic is illusion and not real? How old is this woman? As children, we were mezmerized by Kejetia Magician called 'KYEE ADIE' who we thought was can even vaporize into the thin air because of the things he did to flummox our childish minds which we later learned were all tricks that were too complex our childish minds could not figure out.

Some of us through education and matured mind has come to learn there are no dwarfs that can enter into Bank vaults and loot our dollars to cause the cedi to depreciate as Anita Desooso wants us to believe.

It's sad we have people like this in this government making decisions that affects our lives with their voodoo economics theories that has no place in modern society and a 14th century belief that only imbeciles with loose screws on their heads still believe in.

"How can such person be part of those leading the country? How can she go to meet foreign donors and put credible and analytical case for Ghana if she holds such views? No doubt there is GYEEDA, SADA, Woyomegate, spending 70% of internally generated revenue to pay public sector salaries as well as the current free fall of the cedi which are the results of incompetency and corruption. She want to buy NPP for $1 million. What a joke?"

Thanks Kofi Ata for putting it succinctly I don't need to go any further.

Justice Sarpong