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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Oh Ho Kofi Kumado!!!

Honestly, I am at a loss as to what it is that makes some intellectuals behave as if they borrowed their qualifications.

Indeed, during the eight year “lootractic” reign of John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor, a number of intellectuals in Ghana succeeded in tagging themselves as intellectually dishonest persons.

For eight torrid years, certain intellectuals in Ghana sold their bodies, souls and spirits to the NPP regime and watched on whiles Kufuor destroyed the moral fiber of the nation.

In fact, some intellectuals and so-called men of God applauded Kufuor when he removed Religious & Moral Education from the curriculum of Basic Schools. That was the extent to which they were prepared to support Kufuor to destroy Ghana just because of the kickback and cocaine largess that was flowing their way.

They did not only watch, but applauded.

Kofi Kumado, Vladimir Antwi Danso and co; they sat at Legon and applauded as Kufuor destroyed the nation.

Goaded on by the likes of Kumado and some so-called men of God, Kufuor looted, plundered and stole the nation’s wealth.

Kofi Kumado is a dyed-in-the-wool member of the Narcotics Peddlers Party, and he cannot run away from this fact.

Kumado hates the guts of Jerry Rawlings and for that matter, the NDC. So instead of looking at the bigger picture of what the constitutional reforms will do to our democratic dispensation, Kumado is questioning the amount being spent on such an important undertaking.

Kofi Kuamdo is most certainly peeved that as a constitutional lawyer, he has not been added to the legal brains who are going to give more meaning to our constitutional dispensation.

But is that enough reason for him to display such a high level of intellectual dishonesty?

As a constitutional lawyer, is Kuamdo saying that our constitution is 100% and needs no amendment? Lord have mercy!

Has Kumado suddenly become a social democrat, and no longer a property owning democrat, such that he is now concerned about the provision of, toilets, schools, etc?

Where was Kumado when Wereko Brobbey collected huge sums of monies from the state under the pretext of building toilets all over the country, and squandered the monies?

Where was Kofi Kumado when Wereko-Brobbey did not have an appointment letter yet was dissipating the nation’s resources under the guise of celebration Ghana@50? Where was Kumado when Wereko Brobeey and Kwadwo Mpiani bullshitted Parliament and contracted huge loans for the Ghana@50 celebrations and cannot account for the money?

Where was Kofi Kumado when Kufuor was bullshitting the constitution and governing with this own set of rules as if Ghana was bequeathed to him by Busia and Danquah?

Where was Kumado when Kufuor sold Ghana Telecom and pocketed $30 million? Where was Kumado when Kufuor was junketing around the world with our money; having fun with his girlfriends, stomach journalists, cronies, and relations? Where was Kumado when Kufuor turned the castle into a den of thieves and a kickback center; where Haruna Esseku and co were going to collect monies in “Ghana Must Go” bags?

Where was Kofi Kumado when Kufuor and his cronies were causing huge financial loss to the state?

Where was Kofi Kuamdo when school children were being fed with rotten tomatoes?

Where was Kofi Kumado when millions of dollars was being spent on the building of that needless Presidential Palace next to the French Embassy and opposite TV3?

Where was Kofi Kumado when DCEs like Kwesi Biney were marrying new wives and being accused of misappropriating state resources to build numerous houses?

Where was Kofi Kumado when Ghana’s name changed to Cocaine Coast with drug barons taking over the country and targeting our youth with their cocaine?

Where was Kofi Kumado when Asabee was going against laid down procedure and dubiously awarding contracts to his wife?

Where was Kofi Kumado when Kufuor opened the floodgates for corruption when he unwisely said that corruption started from the days of Adam and so nobody should tell him that corruption was on the high in Ghana?

As a constitutional lawyer, where was Kofi Kumado when Ataa Akyea, Malik Alhassan Yakubu and co were going to set this country ablaze via that reckless and extremely stupid attempt to get a court to sit on 1st January 2009, and rule that the EC did not have the mandate to conduct the Tain elections and for that matter declare the winner of the 2008 general election?

Indeed, where was the so-called constitutional expert when the Chief Justice shamelessly ordered a court to sit and hear the foolish petition of Ataa Akyea and co?

Or because that extremely reckless move was going to wishfully give Akufo-Addo the mandate to move the nation forward into more, wee, cocaine, kickback, thievery, looting, immorality, debauchery, etc., and so Kumado was happy and kept quiet over such matters?

Kofi Kumado must bow down his head in shame.

O yes, Kofi Kumado must bow down his head in shame.

After Kufuor spent eight years destroying the nation, President Atta Mills is moving the nation forward in the right direction and the least Kofi Kumado can do; is hide his shame and shut up so that a Better Ghana will be built. Kofi Kumado; shut up lest you expose yourself to extreme ridicule and venom. Nana Biakoye