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Opinions of Monday, 26 May 2014

Columnist: Pius Doozie

Oh Mahama, what did we do wrong?

Life in Ghana today continues to be unbearable for the average Ghanaian. The poor continue to suffer because they keep getting poorer whilst the rich continue to enjoy because they keep getting richer.

One is tempted to wonder whether voting for the NDC was a crime that should merit the hardships we are going through today. Many ardent NDC supporters today cannot believe what Ghana has turned into. Troubles here, troubles there, troubles everywhere; starting from tax on condoms to tax for even withdrawing or saving your own money at the bank.

Oh Mahama! is that what you promised Ghanaians in your 2012 manifesto? Allowances for teacher trainees have been scrapped. For my friends at the health training institutions, the least said about them the better. Currents students in these institutions have not received any concrete information as to whether their allowances has been scrapped or not. Yet for two years now students have not received their allowances.

Ghana today is like hell to many people. And if I had the power or the wings of a dove I would have flown away to a land where life will be more comfortable. For our greedy politicians, it becomes even disheartening to remember that they exist. Instead of helping to rescue the country from this economic mess, all they do is to sit on radio and television and talk all the talk without giving any concrete solutions to the problems faced by Ghanaians today.

Mr. President, Ghanaians are really suffering oh. The earlier you start finding solutions to these hardships, the better because Ghanaians are watching. It is only a fool whose testicles can be stepped on twice. 2016 is at the corner and we are all watching.