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Opinions of Sunday, 24 April 2005

Columnist: Berchie, Frank

Oh No, E.B. Ahima, Stop Using The President's Name.

It is rather unfortunate that at this time in our national developmental efforts some people either close or purported to be closer to the president have been using his name to seek their own personal or parochial interests regardless of whether their actions seek to bring the name of the presidency into disrepute.

A case in point is that of Mr E.B. Ahima , aka Nana Ahima who has used his friendship with the president to instil such fear into a twenty nine year old wedded woman such that this woman is virtually living in fear of her life.

The facts of the case are that Nana Ahima offered this woman a ride from the Accra Sports Stadium where she had gone to witness the Hearts/ Kotoko first leg encounter of the CAF 2004 final competition to Achiomota. Nana Ahima upon realising that this woman was troubled and confused following a disagreement between her and her husband that very week seized the opportunity to woo the lady to his house.Once he succeeded to do this the next thing was for him to cut her off from her family and any other close associates by ceasing her mobile phone. He further warned her that ''look at these pictures of me and the president, he is my closest pal and if you dare leave this house you do so at your own risk your life will be on the line''

When the husband who is domisciled in the U.S.A got to know of her whereabouts through someone from Nana Ahima's inner circle who was apparently peeved at what Nana was doing and contacted her ,Nana was bold enough to ask the husband not to call the house again because the lady was his wife.

What is worse Nana perjured himself by using somebody's passport (who knows if she is also one of her victims) as na attachment to a new passport he had acquired for the girl thus changing her name and fraudulently secured a U.S visa for the lady to travel with him for the funeral of his daughter

However, Nana Ahima decided later not to send the woman on the trip for that she might ''ran away''. when they get there and thsi gave a chance for the girl to leave the house when Nana left for the States.Presently, this woman is in her matrimonial home but is living in fear that Nana might carry through his threats of using the president's secret service to eliminate her if she ever ''ran away''.

We are therefore bringing this to the attention of the authorities as well as the president to call Nana to order. We are also making Nana Ahima aware that the passport in his possession was fraudulently acquired and even though it does not bear the woman's name it does have her picture her fingerprint so any attempts by him to use it for any purpose will be fiecely resisted. It is our hope that Nana Ahima and all others who have been using the name of the president for such criminal activities will desist from it in the name of mother Ghana.


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