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Opinions of Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Ohene-Ntow In Court For Illegally Staying In Govt Bungalow!

NPP General Secretary, Nana Ohene-Ntow, is in very hot waters and it is not because of his penchant for manufacturing extremely outrageous and unintelligent lies.

Ohene-Ntow is in hot waters because he illegally occupied a government bungalow for years not as a government official, but as the General Secretary of the NPP.

It is this illegal occupation of a government bungalow, and fraudulently benefiting from free accommodation and the non-payment of utility bills, that has landed Ohene-Ntow in hot waters.

What is making Ohene-Ntow’s matter worse, is the fact that his wife turned the garage of the bungalow into a “shitor” and fried rice factory where she manufactured the items on a large scale for purposes of benefiting financially.

In other words, Ohene-Ntow’s wife used free water and electricity, and paid no rent for her commercial business.

And per the rules, it is illegal for any government official to use a government premises for commercial ventures.

And Government has made it emphatically clear that Ohene-Ntow will not be allowed to go scot-free on this matter.

Government remains committed to making sure that Ohene-Ntow faces the full rigours of the law.

Speaking on “Time With Kwesi Pratt” on Hot FM last Saturday, Head of Communications at the Presidency, Koku Anyidoho, stated that there is no way Ohene-Ntow will go scot-free for illegally occupying a government bungalow.

According to Mr. Anyidoho, his colleagues at the Ministry of Water Resources Works & Housing are putting together figures as regards what Ohene-Ntow owes the state by way of rent and utility bills and once that is done, the NPP General Secretary will dance to the music of accountability.

Indeed, the Deputy Minister for the Housing Ministry, Dr. Hannah Bisiw, has also stated that her Ministry is going through its records to determine whether the bungalow was officially allocated to Ohene-Ntow when he was a government spokesperson on finance or whether Ohene-Ntow occupied the bungalow out of his own volition.

According to the Deputy Minister, should it be found out that Ohene-Ntow, as government spokesperson, occupied the bungalow without proper authorization, apart from slapping him with the rent and utility bills, he will be charged in court for squatting in a state property.

Yeah! Yeah! I am so excited at the way the Deputy Minister is determined to squeeze the balls of this manufacturer of lies called Ohene-Ntow.

Another matter that could land Ohene-Ntow in court, should it be found that he occupied the property without authorization, is the fact that Ohene-Ntow would have been benefiting from 20% of his salary as rent allowance while occupying a state bungalow for free.

Per a public service rule of engagement, persons who are not given official accommodation, get 20% of their salary as rent allowance.

So if Ohene-Ntow was not officially allocated a bungalow, what it would mean is, on the payroll, Ohene-Ntow would have been categorized amongst those who should get their 20% rent allowance, while the man was actually living rent-free in an official bungalow.

If the above scenario is what actually existed, then it is an outright case of fraud, which will certainly land Ohene-Ntow in court.

Obviously, the woes of Ohene-Ntow are just beginning.

He will go to jail and his wife will use the illegally acquired wealth from the “shitor” and fried rice business to feed him in jail.

Of course, if one of the cocaine-choked narcotics peddlers snatches his wife (which is their stock-in-trade) whiles in his jail, then he will not benefit from the “shitor” and fried rice fortune.

So it is these thieves and criminals who are making all kinds of senseless noises in Ghana?

And they think their senseless noises will set the free?

They are joking!!! O yes, they are joking.

The wheels of justice grinds slowly and so for now, they can afford to be walking around making all kinds of noises.

One fine morning, a court of competent jurisdiction will pass judgment and we will put all these thieving narcotics peddlers behind bars for a very long time.

Have you seen the way Kwadwo “Odiska” Mpiani and Charles Tarzan Wereko Brobbey are being subdued at the Ghana @ 50 Enquiry?

Very soon, all the thieving morons in the narcotics peddlers party, including the chief thief himself, John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor, will dance to the music of accountability.

They think President Atta Mills is slow?

They should just wait till the axe falls on their thieving necks.

The race is not for the swiftest, it is for the steadiest.

Nana Biakoye (A True Patriot - [email protected])