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Opinions of Thursday, 29 May 2014

Columnist: Amankwah-Sarfo, Fred Kwaku

On My Humble Mind: The Nana Addo Vrs Alan Kyeremanten Debacle

Excellent day to all members of the New Patriotic Party,

Discussions have been going on by some members on many mass and social media platforms having a different agenda from our party unity, cohesion and peace.

Many platforms have been created to project either Nana Addo or Alan Kyeremanteng as well as other potential presidential aspirants for the 2016 elections.

It is the fervent believe of many members of the party across the country that there should be no intention of denigrating any other party member's aspirations to offer himself or herself to lead the party to election 2016.

As a party we decided long ago to pursue our agenda along the principles of respect, decorum and circumspection.

In fact it's this same concept I used in my campaign to be elected as the national vice chairman of our party but failed to get the mandate of the delegates.

As a believer in the liberal democratic principles and most essentially the NPP tradition, I fervently trust in the decision of the delegates. We should all be magnanimous enough to respect the mandate of our delegates.

Our party's two main contenders for the flagbeareship slot are undoubtedly Nana Addo and Mr. Alan Kyeremanten.

The 2008 and 2012 elections, saw these two great leaders among others contesting to lead this great tradition of our party.

In both occasions, Nana Addo carried the day.

I have no doubt in my mind that Nana Addo will be given the mandate to lead this party in the 2016 elections.

But while we jostle for our preferred candidate, let not continue to hurt ourselves with statements, opinions and/or responses likely to hurt the party after the congress.

I have been scandalised by a statement issued by a group called GAKE purported to be speaking for and on behalf of Mr. Alan kyeremanten.

In as much as we should not stampede Mr. Kyeremanten or anyone else and stop him/her from contesting to be elected by the delegates to lead the party into 2016, supporters must understand that such statement will only hurt the party.

I am humbled enough to admit that some people within the ranks of support of the candidature of Akufo Addo had also made some derogatory remarks on the candidature and/or leadership qualities of Mr. Kyeremanten. This must also vehemently be condemned. Decency in our campaign must be a closely guarded weapon.

For this party to thrive, we must acknowledge that both leaders - Akufo Addo and Alan Kyeremanten are great assets to the party.

An attack on one by the other's supporters is the worst contributing factor towards party cohesion, unity and togetherness which are pre requisite to enhancing our electoral fortunes in 2016.

Let us not cut our noses to spite our faces.

Nana Addo, Mr. Alan Kyeremanten, Dr. Kofi Apraku, Prof. Frimpong Boateng, Isaac Osei, Steven Asamoah Boateng, kwaku amankwah, joe mensah and/ or any member of the party in good standing who desires to contest must be given the opportunity to prove his / her mettle within the principles of respect, decorum and circumspection.

As members of the New Patriotic Party, we don't need any sooth sayer to tell us what impact our continues denigration of ourselves in the full glare of the public can have on our chances in 2016.

Let us not press the self destruct button !

Thank you.


Fred Kwaku Amankwah-Sarfo.