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Opinions of Friday, 1 February 2013

Columnist: Adjei,Kofi

On The Nomination Of Professor Opoku-Agyemang

....As Minister Designate For Education

We Senior Members of UCC, friends of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), salute His Excellency President John Mahama on his selection of collaborators in ministerial positions. We single out for mention the nomination of our colleague and the immediate past Chief Executive of our University, Professor Naana Opoku-Agyemang.

We recall the distinction that has marked Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang’s stewardship in the University of Cape Coast as lecturer, as researcher, as administrator. We recall her early years as a young lecturer and as Head of Students’ Hall of Residence. We recall her later years as Head of English, as Dean of Faculty, as Dean of Graduate Studies. We recall her passage through the academic ranks of the university system as Lecturer, as Senior Lecturer, as Associate-Professor. We recall her attainment of full professorship which preceded her appointment as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast. We have no doubt that His Excellency President Mahama’s choice takes cognizance of this remarkable track record. We congratulate the President on his keen sense of judgment, and also our colleague for being deserving of the honour of the new office as Minister for Education.

In proffering these salutations, we are not unaware of the huge challenges that await our colleague in a context which is very much unlike what we live within the university system. We are not unaware of the challenges posed by the core business of managing education at the national level through the many rungs. We are not unaware of the challenges posed by the many stakeholders directly and remotely connected with the management of education at the national level.

We do have every confidence that Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang’s many high calibre exertions within the university system have prepared her for the awaiting challenges.

We wish her and His Excellency the President well as they rise to these challenges.