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Opinions of Friday, 28 August 2015

Columnist: Lungu, Prof.

... On Tribalism, Racism, and Employment!

Phillip Kobina Baidoo On Tribalism, Racism, and Employment!

Here, for your analysis and critique, our analogy and what Mr. Baidoo actually said about racism and employment. Tell us if that is how Ghana must fight tribalism. If not, please leave a message for Mr. Baidoo, the Libertarian!

Our Translation Of What Phillip Baidoo into Ghana-Speak & Reality:
"...You can legislate against tribalism, but not from the heart of a racist. But if he is got to pay a price for his tribal attitude he will think twice before acting on it. Most tribalism occurs in institutions where the perpetrators don’t personally pay a price for their actions, especially directors of government institutions. As a civil libertarian I don’t mind if someone wants to act on his tribalism. A tribalist can choose to indulge in his personal prejudice, for example, when he can hire (employee outside his tribe) for GH¢6 per (day), and because of his tribal attitude he goes to employ (employee inside his tribe) that will cost him GH¢10 (per day) he will pay a price. If he can afford to engage in such stupidity, who am I to question his choice? That will be his cup of tea. It is the government meddling in business with minimum wage and all those stringent labour laws that allow those tribalist employers to get away with their tribalism..."

What Phillip Kobina Baidoo Actually Said:
"....You can legislate against racism, but not from the heart of a racist. But if he is got to pay a price for his racial attitude he will think twice before acting on it. Most racism occurs in institutions where the perpetrators don’t personally pay a price for their actions, especially directors of government institutions. As a civil libertarian I don’t mind if someone wants to act on his racism. A racist can choose to indulge in his personal prejudice, for example, when he can hire a black employee for $6 per hour, and because of his racial attitude he goes to employ white crew that will cost him $10 an hour he will pay a price. If he can afford to engage in such stupidity, who am I to question his choice? That will be his cup of tea. It is the government meddling in business with minimum wage and all those stringent labour laws that allow those racist employers to get away with their racism..."

SOURCE: Phillip Kobina Baidoo, 27 August, 2015, (

Analogized/Posted By:
©Prof Lungu is Ghana-centered/Ghana-Proud.
Prof Lungu is based in Washington DC, USA.
Phillip Kobina Baidoo On Tribalism, Racism, and Employment!
Brought to you courtesy©27 August, 2015.