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Opinions of Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.

“Once hired, once fired”

By: Stephen A. Quaye.

A factory worker had a rapport with his colleagues by paying homage to each and every one every morning before starting work that made him popular amongst all.
As soon as he arrives at the plant and punch in his time card you will hear him exchanging homage as,” hey buddy how you are doing buddy”with the other person replying hey buddy am doing fine thanks”.
One fine morning as expected of him to exchange the usual homage, he zoomed straight to his station and began working without paying homage to anybody.
His colleague workers took notice of the sudden change in him and approached him to find out whether anyone of them had offended him in anyway which resulted in not paying homage to them.
So this time round, one of them shouted,”hey buddy how are you doing buddy” and to their surprise, he responded,”hey buddy, am suffering because I am in trouble buddy”.
Not knowing this nice worker was called by one of the supervisors into his office and warn him about failure to settle a problem he was facing with the government which could cause his dismissal from the work place should the government agency that was handling the issue decide to call the company and ask for that.
Sometimes it is very good to keep certain things and issues buried in the ground to prevent it causing various degrees of damage to people and properties.
But sometimes too it is better to resurrect that stuff from the ground and deal with them properly in order to teach some people a good lesson.
Until the death of the late president, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, one name which was very popular throughout Ghana was Koku Anhidoho, who was his presidential spokesman at the seat of government, Osu Castle.
The name of this man was on front page of every news paper and television as well as on radio news everyday as a news maker for the journalists in Ghana. If report was not about him reacting to statements on behalf of the president, then it is about him rudely attacking members of the opposition which were very distasteful to the president at that time.
Unfortunately, that name is no more appearing in the media frequently as it used to be. Just because, there is a new president, as it has been the saying “that new king new law” so he failed to get appointed to form part of the current government to keep his post.
He was hired by the late president, Professor Evans Atta Mills. After his death and change of government, President John Dramani Mahamah did not need his service so he fired him. What is the big deal about this?
A presidential spokesperson who’s mouth was leaking like a faulty tap? A presidential spokesperson that was moving from one press house to the other at any least moment he felt like doing so mostly at times with issues that were not important?
On countless occasions he made press statements which made matters worse for the president he was speaking for to come out and better explain things to safe his face.
And so if such a spokesperson has been fired from his position for other person to take over what is the hue and cry about this that many Ghanaians have made it a big issue creating disturbing noise on the airwaves?
It is not surprising but funny that the same Koku Anyidoho, who usurped the powers of the late president on radio fired the Ashanti Regional director of ECG when the whole Kumasi Sports Stadium experienced black out in the middle of a national football match between Ghana and Lesotho has fallen to the dagger he trust out to an innocent civil servant.
You will recall that, when Koku Anyidoho, mounted the campaign platform in Ho last year, he made it clear that his work was to ensure that the NPP 2012 presidential candidate Nana Akuffo Addo doesn’t win the election.
To me and any ordinary person, that was a contract he signed and an oath he swore and for that it became a curse on him right away so no wonder after that “huhudious” win, he got fired from his office because his work was done.
Why is he crying all over the place complaining about his failure to make up to the appointed ministers or nominees to hold government positions? Is it because he refused to take note that yes once hired he could also be fired one time because no condition is permanent?
Some one was removed from that office before he was put there. So if he has to go and let some one fill that position I do not think it is a mistake because that person will also leave one day for someone else to get there and it shall continue.
As one of the great entrepreneurs advised,” being at one place for far too long will never make you the best you want unless you keep moving from one place to the other before finally getting to where you are suppose to be”.
Therefore my best advice to Koku Anyidoho is “do not worry but rather find some work to do as you continue to discover your passion and develop it into employment to become a self boss and create wealth for yourself”.