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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Only a shallow-minded person in NPP will doubt Rockson Adofo’s indefatigable services to the party – Part 1

The NPP will seek to retain power in 2024 The NPP will seek to retain power in 2024

If everyone will raise a shred of doubt about my indefatigable farsighted services continuously being rendered to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the voiceless in Ghana, but probably recognised and held in high esteem by His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and other knowledgeable and discerning members of the party, it is more than sufficient to make me feel proud and excited, although not pompous.

This publication will revolve around certain biblical cardinal pillars to be cited to convey my message to the intended myopic, selfish and corrupt individuals within the party who are giving it a bad name to gradually, but steadily push it into opposition come election 2024.

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord, as are stated in Isaiah 11:2-3. Again, in Ephesians 4:11, it is stated, “And it was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers”.

God accords each person their gift according to their capability. When each exercises their gift honestly well, we surely end up living in a perfect human society.

We cannot all be apostles, or prophets, or teachers at the same time. Also, we cannot all be wise, understanding or knowledgeable in all things. Some will excel in one thing and others in another.

Going back to the topic for this write-up, a whole NPP Member of Parliament who is also a Deputy Minister has the shameless audacity to deride my services to the party. In his embarked upon a heated argument with a parent of a student at the Mampong Nursing and Midwifery Training College over his alleged malicious involvement in the illegal demotion and sacking of some students by the principal of the college, he started denigrating my person and services to the NPP.

This person in question is nobody other than Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong, the MP for Mampong Constituency in the Ashanti region, who very, unfortunately, is also the Deputy Foreign Minister.

He has ignorantly derisively said that I, Rockson Adofo, is neither a member of the NPP nor known anywhere in London as even a sympathizer of the NPP, although he claims to know me personally very well as an astute and prolific columnist.

He is alleged to have said when they were contributing money to help the NPP win power, where was I? Rockson Adofo did not contribute any money towards the success of NPP, he is said to have made that claim in the course of his engaged argument with a parent of one of the dubiously sacked students.

In order not to beat about the bush but to hit the nail right on the head, let it be known to Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong, the MP for Mampong Constituency doubling as the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs that Rockson Adofo had, and continues to, do more for the party than he had ever done with his alleged financial contributions to the party.

What annoys me is his claims that upon all my writings about Asantehene and Kumawuhene coupled with those about, and in favor, of NPP, what have I achieved? They have all resulted in nothing, yielding no fruits, he mockingly said.

For the attention of Kwaku Ampratum Sarpong, I, Rockson Adofo, did not only contribute my widow’s mite, thus, financially, although little, towards NPP winning election 2016, but helped to organize people back home to vote for NPP through phone calls and my copious online publications.

My advice, strategic suggestions and directions have helped the NPP more than whatever financial contributions might have been made towards the successful outcome of the party in the election of 2016 by Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong, that Mampong Constituency MP.

I can assert with pride, or on authority that I was either the first person or among the first group of persons to inculcate in the leaders of NPP, the urgent need to remove my son, Mr Kwabena Agyepong, from his post as National Secretary of NPP.

I initiated this politically correct move by my online publication of 3rd May 2015, titled, “Is NPP General Secretary Kwabena Agyepong A Liability Or An Asset To The Party?” He was obviously working against the interest of the party winning any general elections. It was only a fool who could not see his diabolic agenda to scupper the chances of NPP winning the election in 2016. However, the NPP leadership could be seen to dither in taking action against him.

A few days after my publication, thus, on 9th May 2015, Dr Amoako Baah published on Ghanaweb an article titled, “Kwabena Agyapong Is A Liability To NPP”. His publication was clearly in response to mine. These two publications set the ball rolling, waking up the NPP leadership to the danger ahead was Kwabena Agyepong allowed to continue in his position, hence finally engendering his riddance from the NPP secretaryship to enable the party to return to normalcy and eventually win the election 2016.

I could clearly foresee him to be working in the interest of the NDC, although the Secretary of NPP. Had he not been removed or suspended, the NPP could never have won the election in 2016. This is an indisputable fact.

If I had been able to foresee the doom ahead and suggested a solution to it, can any rational being underrate my intelligence, wisdom and service to the party and Ghana? It is only a 'fool' that will say otherwise about the positive farsighted role I have played and continue to secretly play in NPP to enhance their chances in whatever they have been able to achieve before coming to power and now that they are in power.

I will stop here for the public to judge if I had, or have not been playing any positive role in NPP, although not openly, contrary to the fatuous view held or expressed by Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong, the MP for Mampong Constituency, about me.

By the time I finish the series I intend to publish about my secret role in the area of advice, suggestion and strategies to NPP through publications, Ghanaians will themselves be the best judges to tell if I am of no relevance to the party as it is being peddled by the MP who has colluded to ruin the lives and career of about one hundred and sixty-eight students of the Nursing and Midwifery Training College in Mampong in the Ashanti region.