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Opinions of Sunday, 23 May 2010

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Opare-Ansah Pours More Ridicule On Himself!!!

One would have thought that after pouring a fair amount of scorn on himself for unwisely attempting to broach the subject of impeaching President Atta Mills when Kwame Pianim made it public that the he knows it for a fact that President Atta Mills is not corrupt, Opare Ansah would tread cautiously when it comes to talking before thinking.
But that has not been the case.
Behaving like an elephant in a circus act, Opare-Ansah continues make a clown of himself with his speaking to issues without necessarily thinking through the issues.
Thinking that he can play to the NPP gallery and get away with it, Opare-Ansah continues to be talking “byheartically”.
Trying very hard to water down the solid developmental steps being taken by His Excellency President Atta Mills, Opare-Ansah decided to pour more excreta on himself when he put out a litany of lies.
Sinking himself deeper into his self-created manhole, Opare-Ansah would have Ghanaians believe that the upgrading of the Tamale Hospital into a Teaching Hospital by President Atta Mills was a project that began during the time of John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor.
These days, all President Atta Mills has to do, is to commission a project, and the likes of Opare-Ansah and Kwaku Kwarteng will be all over the place saying that the NDC Government should give credit to the NPP for initiating the projects in question.
Hardly had Opare-Ansah finished telling his lies, when one Ekow Sam, exposed the NPP MP as a liar.
Of course, telling lies is the stock-in-trade of the Narcotics Peddlers Party.
According to Mr. Ekow Sam, as far back as 1998, his company was given the go-ahead to come out with an architectural design for the project.
What it means is that, it was during the time of President Atta Mills as Vice President, that the project was initiated.
Indeed, Ekow Sam made it emphatically clear that the then Health Minister, Dr. Eunice Brookman-Amissah, was the one who gave the go-ahead for design works to begin.
I have no reason to doubt what Mr. Sam has put out because it is a matter of fact that the then NDC Government had begun to give every Region a befitting hospital before Ghanaians decided to throw the future into the hands of Kufuor and his looting brigade.
Considering the speed with which the then NDC Government was putting up Regional Hospitals, there is no doubt that had the party won the 2000 election, Tamale would have long gotten a Teaching Hospital.
According to Ekow Sam, the contract was taken from him when the NPP took over the reins of power and re-awarded the contract to an NPP apparatchik.
Indeed, the contract was given to the husband of Frema Opare, NPP MP for Ayawaso West Wuogon.
As the facts have it, the contract was re-awarded to an NPP apparatchik and nothing was done for the work to progress.
As must have been the case, the contract money was pocketed and chopped waa waa waa!
For eight years, nothing was done.
Ever since Mr. Sam spoke, Opare-Ansah and his clowning lot have not been able to utter a single word because they have been exposed as a bunch of liars who are only interested in peddling falsehood to create a diversion.
If Kufuor really cared for the people of Tamale, he would have rather given them a Teaching Hospital and not spent money on putting up a useless Presidential Palace that cannot be used by any right-thinking President because no proper thinking went into the location of the Palace.
Obviously, Kufuor was only interested in the huge kickback he would get from the project, and not interested in whether it makes sense to have a Presidential Place next to the French Embassy.
There is no doubt that having succeeded in embarrassing himself with his, bellicose, whimsical, and capricious ways, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has handed over the baton to Opare-Ansah for him to take over as the master clown on the Minority side of the divide.
It would be recalled that in his desperate bid to sink President Atta Mills, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu organized a press conference and lied to Ghanaians that a certain investor, George Owusu, was stripped naked before his family by security operatives.
Hardly had Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu finished peddling his lies when the said George Owusu came out to deny ever being stripped naked by security operatives.
Not sufficiently embarrassed by the way he has been exposed as a comical character ala the Tamale Hospital matter, Opare-Ansah has decided to clown around again over the fact that MPs were recalled to do what they are paid to do.
Opare-Ansah would have Ghanaians believe that it was a waste of time to have been recalled to work in the interest of the nation.
Why is Opare-Ansah so much in a hurry to pour shit on himself?
Does he have to talk when he has nothing sensible to say?
Every parliamentarian knows that he/she can be recalled from recess to work.
So, what is Opare-Ansah talking about?
Does Opare-Ansah not realize that after rendering himself useless via his, whimsical, bellicose, and capricious ways, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu is keeping himself away from the limelight?
And when Opare-Ansah is told in the face that his gross acts of irresponsibility shall not be countenanced, he has the audacity to attempt to haul decent Ghanaians before the so-called Privileges Committee of Parliament? Ah! Ah! Ah!
Somebody should tell Opare-Ansah that he should stop talking because he is making it difficult for people to accept that he is 100%!
His Excellency President Atta Mills is the one who has cut the sod for the upgrading of the Tamale Hospital into a Teaching Hospital and if Opare-Ansah does not like it, he can go to the nearest zoo and join his elephant relatives in there.
Nana Biakoye
(A True Patriot)