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Opinions of Monday, 11 April 2005

Columnist: Baba, A.M.

Open Letter To Asantehene

P.O.BOX 1237,

7th April 2005.

Dear Sir,


I have heard with shock and dismay the assertion purported to have been made by the Asantehene during a meeting with Andanis and Abudus.
In the first place the Asantehene should have conducted an investigation about Dagbon custom before calling the two gates for a settlement. What has been realized is that the Asantehene has been misinformed or polluted by the perpetrators of the heinous crime. What we want the Asantehene to understand is that Dagbon Custom is completely different from Asante?s custom. There is no way that the first son of somebody who died longtime ago can be made the regent of a murdered King. After the burial of any dagomba his first biological son must be installed as a regent. The Ya-naa cannot therefore be buried without a regent. We can understand where the detractors of Dagbon are coming from. They must understand that one day they will be paying a price for the destructions they are causing.
Since when did murder become a legitimate exercise in Ghana? When Abudus are using the Supreme Court ruling in 1987 as terms of reference for their claim to the skin, the Asantehene who is said to be an educated person should have intervened to clarify the Supreme Court ruling. We believe that a kindergarten pupil could interpret the ruling to the understanding of every Tom, Dick and Harry to understand.
The Supreme Court in 1987 ruled that after the death of Ya-Naa Yakubu Andani who is an Andani, an Abudu should be made to succeed. If the Asantehene in his wisdom do not understand the meaning of the word death we will explain that to him. The Ya-Naa did not die a natural death. Criminals murdered him. The Supreme Court that gave the ruling still exists. If people do not understand the phrase ?? after the death of Ya-Naa??in the Supreme Court?s ruling it is better we go back to the Supreme Court for an interpretation. It is clear that murder is a first-degree felony in Ghana why are people who are supposed to know better supporting murderers. We are therefore saying that the Ya-Naa did not die a natural death. He was openly murdered.
I will therefore use this opportunity to plead with the Asantehene and the other eminent chiefs as well as well meaning Ghanaians to intervene to solve this matter with the utmost neutrality that it deserves.
Yours faithfully


I would be grateful if you could publish this letter in your esteemed medium to disassociate myself from the above letter written by one A.M.Baba.

The said A.M. Baba collected my address and e-mail purposely to fill a form and to reply to a request. He told me he wanted to send the information urgently and did not know about how to create a mailbox for himself. That prompted me to give him my address including the e-mail. I never knew he had a diabolical plan to misuse the opportunity given him. The letter he wrote has created disaffection for me and has the potential of destroying my future.

I therefore condemn the action of A.M Baba and completely disassociate myself from the letter wrote. I am not author of the letter written by A.M Baba. The postal address and e-mail address are mine and not for A.M Baba.

Abubakari Yussif

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