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Opinions of Monday, 1 April 2013

Columnist: Fatawu, Abdul

Open Letter To Aseidu Nketia

The General Secretary NDC Accra

Dear General secretary


I am sure you know that our dear party lost the safe seat of Kpandai during the December Elections. Maybe you know the reasons why we lost the seat and President Mahama won the constituency. Am writing you because the former MP has started going round the district doing the same things he did which cost as the seat. A defeated candidate must closely examine himself and find out why he lost. But this greedy and selfish former MP is not doing that. This man who cannot even address a rally is going round telling people he wants to stand again. I don’t care if he stands but we are not going to sit down for him to use dubious means to win the primaries again.

This incompetent defeated and disgraced MP is going round writing names of his friends as branch executives in various villages and saying that they are the Executives even before the regional executives have announced the timetable for branch elections. 2 weeks ago this man with his bloated ego and money came to town with a policeman and they went to places like Kitare, Bladjai and Kabonwule area to write names of executives. When you announced that there will be branch elections you said there will be biometric registration of members after which there will be branch elections and constituency elections. There have been no biometric registration and there has been no elections in Kpandai Town so why is the MP and his friends including the DCE going round writing names of Executives? Mr general secretary do we want to lose the seat again? If the national executive don’t stop this man going round and selecting his own tribesmen as executives we promise you we will vote Skirt and Blouse again- John Mahama will win but people power will not vote for Likpalmor. Is he the only man in town? This is the same thing that this man did and divided the party and this is why he lost the seat to NPP.

Yes it was excruciating to lose a safe seat but the writing was on the wall. During the Primaries we told the Regional Executives in Tamale that if they didn’t correct the cheating that was going on, if they dont allow the true executives to vote and they allowed the fake names submitted by the MP and his DCE we were going to lose the general election. They did not listen to us. We were denied free and fair elections during the primaries and most of the executives who were against the former MPs imposition at the primaries supervised by the corrupt regional propaganda secretary made it clear that they were not going to support the MP at the general election. After the December election the regional executives have not come to find out what happened. The MP and his corrupt stooges on the executives are still running the party without involving other people they don’t like. The former MP has refused to unite with his opponents in the constituency and he is not taking advice from some of the regional executives who have asked for unity. The former MP is exploiting tribal divisions in the area and using his tribe to bully people. But I want to tell him that as he saw during the December elections we the other tribes- Kotokolis, Basares, chokos, Nawuris, chumurus, bartors, Ada and Fantes will not sit down while he gives nearly all juicy posts to his people.

Dear general secretary the former MP has never allowed free and fair constituency elections in the past 12 years. After the 2008 elections he came to Kpandai one day and quickly called executive meeting and personally chose the chairman, treasurer, secretary, youth organiser, womens organiser and he controls all these people – and these are the people who make decisions for the party. The secretary had just been transferred to Kpandai as a teacher and he made him the secretary. This boozeman secretary does not know the party branches. The MP and DCE will force him to write letters to sack people and then he will run and go and hide in Tamale. During the primaries he was hiding so that people will not get nomination forms. Even among the executives that he has imposed on the party he will ask a few people to carry out his instructions without consulting the rest. The former MP brought one man called Barnarbas his tribesman and got him a job at NCCE and this man does not do any NCCE but spends all his time campaigning for the MP. We know this Barnarbas was NPP but he has given him all the power to do what he likes. The former MP sacked the Youth Employment coordinator who worked had to get the party elected and brought his tribesman from Atebubu to be the coordinator when other people who worked hard for the party were not given an opportunity to get this job. We know that this youth employment coordinator has no vote in Kpandai but today he is the one who is even driving the party vehicle. The chairman is toothlessman who will do anything the disgraced dictator MP wants. People like Jonathan who are Cadres and former secretary worked had for the party from their youth have no say in the party.

The former MP has created so much division in the party in Kpandai that if he had not distributed a lot of money, mosquito nets, motokings, sewing machines and fishing nets we would have got even 2000 votes. Believe me he was distributing money everywhere. even when people were in the queue going to vote his agents were distributing all the money you can think of. Now that he is not in parliament he is not going to get the money to dish out by heart. Let me challenge the disgraced former MP and his friends at the regional level in Tamale that if they think he is popular then they should let us have genuine elections at the grassroots level. We told the regional executives that if they don’t allow us to have proper elections and go ahead and impose delegates on us we will lose the elections. They refused to listen and now look they have lost the elections.

Kpandai is one of the poorest districts in Ghana. How can we develop with Corrupt, Lawless MPs and how can the NDC win Kpandai seat if this incompetent loser of a former MP is allowed to intimidate people and use police officer to go round and write names of his friends as branch executives. We are begging you to ensure democracy and free branch elections in Kpandai if you want NDC to win Kpandai seat. If you want us to win the seat again you have to give power back to the people not the former MP. Kpandai NDC does not belong to one man and his family.

So general Secretary SAVE the party in Kpandai before we the youth give up hope. Yours sincerely

Abdul Fatawu

[email protected]