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Opinions of Monday, 23 August 2010

Columnist: Agyeman, Nana Kwame Adarkwa

Open Letter To Ms. Gizelle Yajzi

Dear Ms. Yajzi,

I feel disturbed writing this letter to you

It has been reported in the Ghanaian print media that you are coming to Ghana with the sole purpose of destroying former President John Agyekum Kuffour (JAK). I wonder what you intend to achieve since JAK is no more the President of the Republic of Ghana. He honorably handed over power on January 7, 2009 after a successful two 4-year term in office.

I understand one major attraction of your intention to visit Ghana is for you to prove that you had sexual relations with JAK whilst he was the president of Ghana which, it is reported, resulted in the progeny of twin boys. You have openly admitted that your affair with JAK stem from the fact that you loved him. It is very unfortunate that you erroneously believed that by openly broadcasting you’re supposed rendezvous with JAK you had done so much to disgrace him. For your information, in the eyes of Ghanaians you are a slut, a whore and prostitute - “gyantrani/ tuutuuni”; for that is the behavior of such people. Respectable and decent women do not profess their sexuality in public only people of your caliber do.
You must also note that even if your said affair with JAK took place, he has not committed any prosecutable offence so far as Ghanaians are concerned. This is because you are not known to be a married woman. Ghana is not part of the United States where extra-marital affairs – cheating - is frowned upon. This is a matter between husband and wife. JAK’s wife is the only person who can initiate compensatory proceedings against him in a traditional court or mediation sessions. If anything you have rather helped to confirm that JAK is a real man. Ghanaian men boast about the number and types of women they have been able to “conquer” – you are now part of JAK’s stats.
Probably, you are looking to increase your value in the eyes of Ghanaian men by associating yourself with JAK so that they will flock to and patronize you. Just as you did not feel ashamed to announce your purported affairs with JAK so are the men. Groups of friends and individuals would also boast about their affairs with you – the President and I have ‘played’ in the same field. Trust me Ghanaian men are very good at this. When you hear about it anywhere do not be surprised. You have opened the flood gate and all the stranded water will pass through.
Madam, be informed that JAK is from one of the tribes that people Ghana, Asante. It is a requirement of an Asante on assumption of position of importance especially that of a chief to take on a new wife (nkonnwua yere), irrespective of the existence of a wife in his life. The first child from such a marriage is called “ahenkan”. If JAK on assumption of his presidency had relations with you as you claim, it is nothing strange. On the other hand, if you had twins with him and had hidden them from him all this while, then you have denied your children a prominent position revered in the Ghanaian society.
From the preceding it means you were to be an nkonnwua yere and JAK did not bestow that title on you. Oh Poor you! Unfortunately, JAK would not marry you because he traces his lineage to the Asante Royal Family which forbids him from marrying people like you, ‘ofiri’ –albino. It is considered an abomination for an albino to be married into the Asante Royal Family.
I am inclined to believe that it is as a result of your frustration of being denied the status of nkonnwua yere and for that matter your children not titled as ahenkan, that is why you have sworn to destroy JAK through fabrication of lies and trumped up charges of corruption. I wish you handled frustration in a more matured and sensible manner since you have grown past infantile tantrums and teenage indiscretion.
Cheating is no news in Ghana. If JAK believed he had children outside his marriage, he would go for them. He would apologize to and compensate his wife who in turn would accept the children with open arms. It is an open secret that a very prominent Ghanaian politician had all his children outside his marriage and his wife, suspected to be barren since nobody had ever seen her carry pregnancy, has accepted them as her own. At the time of the 2008 general elections, Ghanaians knew very well that candidate Professor Atta-Mills had had a son outside his marriage, yet they went ahead to elect him as president. There is also the celebrated case of Alban Bagbin, Ghana’s Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing, who graciously admitted for having an affair with his wife’s sister. He successfully defended his behavior by reference to his tradition.
All these should tell you that you are making a fool of yourself. Your advisors are using you for their own selfish means.. After using you to achieve their goal they will throw you away just like a toilet paper – full of shit. Already they have succeeded into getting you to believe that you helping in the fight against corruption. One wonders what that means in the face of what is happening in Ghana now. Only political opponents are their targets. The Ashanti regional minister and the Deputy Eastern regional minister both went on platforms to incite violence against the opposition and there was not even a public rebuke but when one Nana Darkwa accused a private person, who happened to be a former head of State of arson, he was arrested on suspicion of acting contrary to section 208 of criminal and other offences act of 1960. The Chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress went on air to threaten the judiciary and Government chose to study his statement. I guess I do not know what corruption is so selective justice may not be part of it.

The Akans of Ghana have a saying that “ye wo efie nyansa, na ye wo enwoma nyansa” which literary captures the interrelationship between both formal and informal education. By your age, scholarship and professional competence you are supposed to be a smart and intelligent woman but your abject display of lack of discretion and lies as seen in the inconsistencies in your statements are indicative of someone who has no efie nyansa. If you did you would not expose yourself to public ridicule. Please cut the stupidity.

Yours sincerely,
Nana Kwame Adarkwa Agyeman (New York)
Koniyaw Kontihene