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Opinions of Friday, 21 August 2009

Columnist: Kwaning, Martin

Open Letter To Nana And Alan

There is no doubt that these two gentlemen in the NPP-Nana Akufo Addo and Alan Kyerematen- currently hold the key to a united front. Their actions can make and unmake the party. I’m yet to be informed if there has ever been any such fierce battle with its aftermath seemingly tension for a presidential leadership ever occurred in our great party, not since 1996. Some schools of thought will argue that the fierce battle between Nana and Alan is good for a healthy competition and to such people, it will ultimately bring about a new way of thinking and a paradigm shift. Yet there are others who rightly think something drastic must be done to ‘silence’ these two gentlemen-including chosen a neutral leader.

The paradox is that while the two gentlemen have so far distance themselves, at least publicly, their supporters are all over the place allegedly sending various unhealthy text messages. There is also a hint that this perceived recrimination between Nana and Alan supporters are the handiwork of the NPP political opponent. Truly the NDC are capable of doing anything-they are not even bothered to say that the NPP National Youth Organizer-John Boadu- is a woman. However, I’m yet to have evidence to blame our political opponent for the perceived wind of infighting that is going around.

The proposed constitutional amendment has also not help matters; suddenly this finest project has turned to Nana ‘for’ and Alan ‘against’ nightmare. Truly the proposed amendment is quite a complicated and a novelty as such and understandably various people may have doubt about it’s positive impart. But one thing is certain, the NPP must certainly change its modus operandi and that calls for a total overhaul of the party’s structures and identity.

As the party congregate at the Trade Fair center, both Nana and Alan have a responsibility to speak to their various strategists to bury the blame game and personal attack and rather focus on the NPP brand. The accusation and ‘pull him down’ will certainly do no one any good. In their quest to lead the party, this is the opportune time to show strong leadership and showcase their skills as true presidential hopefuls and that they care for the party. The party’s success to face the challenges of tomorrow demand that, they eschew ego and demonstrate an unquestionable leadership qualities that transcend ethnicity or wealth. It is obviously a difficult and sticky situation for the NPP and at the moment, I can say that, some of the party members are in dilemma-who is the right person to lead the onslaught against the dysfunctional NDC and which people should form the next National Executives? The consensus though, among members is the need to have a strong team from all the ten regions to be at the National Head office. That is a herculean task that the party has since it’s inception tried to address. Questions such as, who will be the next National Chairman, a Vice Presidential candidate, National Organizer, or even General Secretary have dominated discussions and some rightly think a decision taken this weekend has far reaching effect on a future election. To them, there is a direct correlation between the Chairman to be elected and the next flag bearer, that chemistry will be very interesting.

However, of most interest to all true NPP members are how the two leading prospective candidates Nana and Alan will ‘penetrate’ this weekend gathering. There is no doubt that political infighting is the greatest threat to the party’s stability and any bad approach this weekend can paralyzed the party’s matching forward agenda. Will the NPP come out with a ‘’ agenda? When all faithful NPP members passionately care about the sustenance of the party, there is absolute no way we can destroy each other. Nana Akufo Addo certainly is not an angel, and I doubt whether he has boastfully said so, the same applies to Mr. Alan Kyerematen.To put it bluntly, there is no ‘righteous’ person on earth, thus I’m extremely sadden when people sit in their homes and stupidly try to destroy others, it does not make sense to pull down your neighbor. There are some who say Nana Akufo Addo has some bad deeds and the NDC will use them against Nana Akufo Addo should the party elect him as the flag bearer, but we all saw the unsuccessful attack against Nana last year, then others say Mr. Alan Kyerematen will be destroyed by the NDC should the NPP select him. When we are united and preach the slogan, when our leader(s) is/are attacked we all in oneness will have to fight against tyranny and despots who will attack our leader(s), that is how a family of NPP is supposed to be. I have watched in awe when unfortunately some NPP members run away from defending their leader(s) and the party’s philosophy. That does not make you a true patriot.

I must however be quick to blame the NPP leadership for it’s ineptitude in grooming and nurturing future leaders. Today people like Messrs Dan Botwe, Rashid Bawa, Boniface Sadique, Isaac Osei, Osei Kyei Mensah, Mustapha Iddrs, Opare Ansah, O.B. Amoah, to mention but a few, have huge potential that the party should have adopted modern techniques in grooming those personalities for future leadership but I’m pretty sure no one will listen. Had the party embarked on a systematic approach in grooming leaders, we wouldn’t had had much difficulty in selecting even our Running mate. Today, many true NPP members are embarking on various studies for their masters, PhDs, devoted rural folks who have defended the party with all their strength etc and regrettably no mechanism to monitor those personalities to assure them of the party’s solidarity. That is what we should preoccupy ourselves with, and not this devilish practice of sending a destructive text messages about an individual. Sometimes, I wonder whether these people are normal human beings.

For those who think that their proposal should at all cost be accepted or rejected at this weekend gathering, there are millions of NPP members who equally have proposal different from yours, so the best practice is to let the majority decide what is best for the party, it certainly does not mean that your proposal are foolish except perhaps it might not be the opportune time for that proposal. Let decency prevail, and for those who are writing all kinds of articles consigning the NPP to doom if Conference accept or reject those proposals, let me be emphatic that you are not a true blue.

Our collective resolve to conduct those proposed amendments in a friendly and a family type manner will undeniably send a strong signal to the NDC that they can let BNI and other security agencies harass the party but they can’t destroy our unity of purpose in wrestling power from the dead socialist NDC. Reports indicate that they have even sent their spies to the NPP camp just to cause confusion, for that is what they thrive on, they are happy when there is confusion and blood flow. Let Nana and Alan and all their supporters alike show to the entire world that we are united in diversity.

We either swim together or sink together. I will neither be cynical or pessimism, I have every hope that the NPP will let humility prevail and personal interest will be buried and we shall come out from this congress fully challenged to face the battle ahead. How many years are left for the Nana and Alan on this earth, they should live a deep-rooted legacy for we the youth in the party.

Let all true patriots conduct themselves as doves at the Trade fair center. The NPP shall triumph.

God/Allah bless NPP.