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Opinions of Thursday, 3 May 2012

Columnist: Ansah-Yeboah, Amakye

Open Letter To The President

* Regarding The Alleged Woyome Fraud Of The State.*

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To The Office Of The President Of The Republic Of Ghana

Dear Mr President,

We the members of COMMON PURPOSE ALLIANCE GHANA, CPAG, have followed with dismay the unacceptable conduct of the government's prosecutor, who is representing the taxpayers of Ghana, in the case of the State against Mr. Alfred Woyome, for allegedly defrauding the Republic of Ghana to the tune of GHc 51M.

We are asking the distinguished office of the president to look into the proceedings so far and step-up its efforts in ensuring that the state gets back on track its lukewarm conduct to retrieving all the money Mr. Woyome is believed to have received illegally from the taxpayer of Ghana as settlement through alleged falsehood. Once again, this is unacceptable, and the good people of Ghana - the rightful custodians of the constitution of the 4th Republic of Ghana - are watching closely and will not hesitate rise-up with a united front, standing firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waist to demand justice, probity and accountability. We will plead with the office of the president to allow the laws of the land to take its course with probity and accountability guiding the path and conscience of government representatives in this case.

The people of Ghana will not sit by to watch any form of daylight robbery of the state and the taxpayer of Ghana taken place under our watchful eyes. We believe the office of the president will re-examine its attitude in the wake of these concerns with the interest of Ghana at heart. Corruption cannot be encouraged by the very people who are voted to lead the country to protect the interest of the people of Ghana.

We are very confident the government of President Atta Mills would address these concerns with all the seriousness expected and move the process of justice with refreshed impetus for the good of all.



*yk amakye ansah-yeboah **(CED) CPAG. **[email protected]*