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Opinions of Friday, 8 May 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open Letter to Commentators on the Kumawu Chieftaincy Dispute

Dear Commentators,

It is a pleasure to see you spare part of your precious time not only to read, but also, to pass comments on publications about the on-going Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. I find some commentators very objective. I find others very senile, biased and sarcastic. However, all have to be accommodated. That shows the beauty of living in a democracy where everyone has the right to freely express their views as long as they are not defamatory.

Who is a commentator that I am addressing? A commentator is "a person who writes notes on a text, event, etc. or a reporter for radio or television who provides a spoken description of and remarks on an event, especially a sports competition, as it happens".

A few days ago, I read most of the comments made by the reading public, presumably by Kumawuman citizens interested in updating themselves on the chieftaincy affairs. These comments were on a rebuttal published on Ghanaweb by Nana Kwame Afram alias Dr James Charles London to newspapers publication by an overseas group called "Kumawuman Citizens Living Abroad".

From the comments, most of them were attributing the publication that James rebutted to me. They teasingly challenged me to respond to the issues raised by him; full of praise for him on his publication that they considered to be too brilliant.

To the commentators, I say, I did not author, or cause, the publication of that newspaper publication challenged by James. I wish I did. I will be more than glad to take credit for it, but why should I take the limelight out of fellow Kumawuman citizens peeved that Asantehene, Asanteman Council and Kumawuhemaa did not follow proper procedures in the alleged selection and enstoolment of one Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawu Omanhene? Are they not sharing and expressing the same views as I have been bringing to the attention of the public over many months now? Since the Group is overseas-based, championing the same cause as I do, I consider myself an automatic member, if readers care to know.

I have over a period of time rebutted James' claim that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the Overlord of Asanteman. He is not. I wonder why some commentators do not bother to read rebuts but keep on beckoning me to respond to James' said rebuttal to the Group's publication if I have the balls to.

Why should I publish a rejoinder to James' recycled arguments? Why should I not wait for the authors of the publication to respond to it? Even though I have answers to the falsehoods published by James, I leave it to the correct persons to answer him.

Again, James was, and could still be, my friend. It is just that I do not bother phoning him any longer. I detest double-agents. He knows that I know he is churning out lies in his publications. He is walking with his stomach in all that he does; I can confirm that to the public. His own siblings are annoyed at his deplorable behaviour.

If I should publish our private conversations, his very life will be in jeopardy at the hands of those he currently seems to be defending with his bloody lies. HOWEVER, I AM NOT GOING TO BETRAY PRIVATE REMARKS OR CONVERSATIONS. Even until today, Kumawuhemaa does not trust him because of his capricious mindedness.

Why should I be pushed by his lies to bare private conversations in public? What will I gain doing that? Will people ever confide in me again? NO! Subsequently, I will keep secrets top secret but James should not continue angering Kumawuman citizens with his purposeful lies.

I think the commentators who support him and find his publications brilliant are now cued in on how I can bring him to his knees if I choose to, with the little said above.

I shall request of commentators to educate themselves when they read published write-ups and also, to educate others through their comments passed. They will be doing themselves great disservice if they choose not to be truthful to themselves by appreciating the value of researched informative publications, but will rather blindly play ignorance by siding with lies spewed by those carrying their stomach about.

Who does not know about the selfish secret agenda by Asantehene and his cronies as regards the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute? Who until today, after my numerous publications and the video placed on YouTube titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption" does not know that Dr Yaw Sarfo's alleged enthronement as Kumawuhene is illegal and untraditional?

Those commentators who have chosen to live in the fool's paradise, relishing in their ignorance, supporting the wrong side of the Kumawu chieftaincy divide can continue doing so. The Group (Kumawuman Citizens Living Abroad) and I have chosen to be on the side of truth. I hope many more people will join our bandwagon.

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his course succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot"------Mark Twain. Some of these commentators hate me to the core for telling the truth, but I take solace in the fact the truth I tell today, will manifest, and prevail for years to come for all eyes to see. Cowards as they now are will join the Group and me in future when the going has become easier according as said by Mark Twain.

Finally, the commentators should note what Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia once said. He said, "Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."

To prevent Kumawuman being short-changed by Asantehene, Asanteman Council, Kumawuhemaa, Dr Yaw Sarfo and James, because of their sheer quest to satisfy their insatiable greediness for wealth, fame and power, I shall assist the Group to always come out with the truth about the Kumawu stool dispute.

Let them wage their war of lies, we shall defeat them with the weapon of truth retrieved from the armoury of GOD.

I hope James will never dare push me to the wall to culminate in the revelation of things that will forever nail him to the ground to incur him not only the wrath of God, but also, that of the very group he is maliciously working for at the moment.

It is only my prayer that those passing negative comments will come back to their senses, see the light and begin to behave responsibly. As long as God lives and remains Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, the fight SHALL be won by the Ananangyas and the Odumases. The force of truth (good) shall prevail over the forces of evil (bad), no matter how long it takes.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo