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Opinions of Sunday, 29 November 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open Letter to Dr Arthur Kobina Kennedy

Dear Dr Kennedy,

I have been reading your published expressions about NPP and certain personalities in the party, especially the flagbearer of the party, Nana Akufo Addo, with great concern. You claim to love the party but the way you put across your emotional views suggests differently to me.

It is said, "Action speaks louder than words", however in your case, your actions and words are much louder to give you away as somebody who really hates the party rather than loves it. This is my opinion formed following the dissection of the contents of your publications on the Ghana news portal on the internet. I may be wrong but I am entitled to my opinion.

Do you know that by your actions, you are seeking to compound the sufferings of Ghanaians under the most incompetent and unprecedentedly corrupt government in the annals of Ghana's politics by way of propping the government with your words, whether true or false, to win election 2016 to continue with their corrupt regime to the detriment of the suffering Ghanaian masses?

Have you been to Ghana lately to experience how the majority of the ordinary citizens are confronted with economic or financial hardships due to the myopic style of governance by President Mahama's NDC-led government? Are you aware of how the incessant power outages popularly called "dumsor" is ravaging the lives and businesses of most Ghanaians? Do you expect this government to continue to be in power until and after 2020 with all the ongoing economic problems brought about as a result of her incompetence, acts of tribalism, nepotism and application of selective justice?

By your actions, you are knowingly or unknowingly helping President Mahama and his NDC party to win election 2016 on a silver platter. You are preparing the fertile ground to facilitate any dubious intentions of theirs to winning or rigging the upcoming elections in their favour. You cannot dispute this fact.

You cannot persuade me to accept that the way you are carrying about yourself for quite some time now is in the best interest of the party and the majority of Ghanaians. No, it isn't. You are rather destroying the party in favour of the NDC.

I cannot make heads or tails of your arguments. I find them completely the works of a saboteur who in reality has not the love of the suffering Ghanaian masses at heart but their selfish interests.

I shall advise that you resort to the proper conflict resolution procedures to have your grievances resolved amicably in the interests of all instead of publishing damaging views on end about the party and its leadership.

"Conflict resolution, otherwise known as reconciliation, is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution" -

You may have genuine concerns but your chosen method of communication is to me not the best option. I hope you are not consumed by your education qualifications, best grades achieved at school, better job and best life-style being led in the United States to look down on others even though they may be the leaders of NPP.

Being particularly very concerned about how Ghanaians are suffering owing to the intentional perpetration and perpetuation of corruption by the government, I am not ready to condone acts that will guarantee the continuous rule of Ghana by the government beyond end of 2016 to exacerbate the financial sufferings of Ghanaians. Subsequently, I am ready to help you resolve your problems with the party and her leadership amicably although an unknown ordinary member as I am.

There should be no grounds for enmity between trusted members of NPP who are aspiring tirelessly to win election 2016 to liberate Ghanaians from the current slavery they find themselves in under the hands of a disastrously corrupt regime.

I hope you will give my expressed concerns the needed thought.

I can be contacted on email address [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo