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Opinions of Thursday, 19 March 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open Letter to Former President Kufuor

Your Excellency the President,

On behalf of the entire suffering Ghanaian masses, the NPP faithful, and for the sake of priding myself in your good deeds, excellent governance, I am obliged to publish this open letter to you. I belong to the NPP, the metamorphosed UP of the Danquah-Dombo-Busia tradition.

Many a current suffering Ghanaian under the John Mahama/Arthur-Amissah NDC-led government believes that it will only take NPP administration to liberate them from the shackles of socio-economic slavery wrought around their hands, waist and legs by President Mahama and the NDC. However, the question they are now asking is, how can NPP come to power any soon?

There is obvious division within the management of the NPP, and by extension the party, into "Alan Kyeremateng Camp" and "Nana Akufo Addo Camp". This is an undisputed fact.

You are alleged to be the driving force behind the "Alan Kyeremateng Camp". How can the NPP live up to the expectations of Ghanaians who in their majority are suffering, and hence are clamouring for a change of government from NDC to NPP?

Jesus Christ says in Matthew 12:25 "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand"

How can NPP wrestle power from NDC if we continued to remain as divided as we presently are into 2016? The NPP's chances of winning Election 2016 will to a greater extent depend on you; if only you would willingly unite the two camps that put up smiley faces in public but within their private hearts, they are the worst enemies. I can see you as being in a cleft stick, but you have the honourable obligation to unite both camps to ensure victory for Nana Akufo Addo, the NPP, the suffering Ghanaian masses and yourself.

Ghana cannot continue to be taken for further rough rides by President Mahama and his NDC government and party. They have through purposeful acts of corruption and quest for sabotage, dismantled or ruined almost all your flagship legacies – NHIS, Discovery of Petrol, Affordable Housing, Metro mass transport, School Feeding Programme, etc. Is it how you wanted to be remembered of, nothing for posterity to point to as a national achievement by one President Kufour after your departure to the land of the dead, because the NDC have destroyed every trace of you – your memorable national projects?

I am deeply distressed to hear the rumours doing rounds that you have said, "Nana Akufo Addo can become a President of Ghana only over your dead body". I only hope this statement attributed to you was not true.

It will only take a wicked person to wish President Mahama success in any future elections considering how he has plunged, and continue to plunge, Ghana, into economic abyss through intentional shameless acts of corruption.

You may dislike Nana Akufo Addo for undisclosed personal reasons, but for the sake of God, and that of the suffering Ghanaian masses, and for posterity to remember you for good reasons, please rally support for NPP to win Election 2016. You are entreated to unite both the silent, but feuding parties within the NPP.

My heart will be gladdened if you did as admonished.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo