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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Columnist: Abdul Nasiru Shaibu

Open Letter to JDM, Please ‘Walk The Talk’ Sir!

Opinion Opinion

HE President of Ghana Flagstaff House Accra

Greetings Your Excellency:

I sincerely wish you well and hope you are doing as much as you want us to believe relative to the 'running' of the our motherland, Ghana. May Allah help you.

I refer to your views during the Summit on migration held in Malta over the past weeks, during which events you made very interesting comments about migration.

You were copiously quoted as having averred thus; “"if we create growth poles in Africa that provide that opportunity in Africa they would have no reason to migrate to another continent to look for opportunity."

A wonderfully true and accurate view put across, but question is; what would encourage people to stay in their respective countries sir?

Who are at the heart of migration; I rhetorically and respectfully ask. Surely [you and I] know that the young people who are supposed to stay behind and build their futures and that of their respective countries are at the heart of migration.

I beg to borrow Bawumia’s term; that relative to Africa, a ‘toxic mix’ of political disillusionment and unfavourable policies makes staying behind a bleak and weak decision for majority of young people.

Mr. President people are willing to stay on but it increasingly is becoming the worse headache and nightmare even at the thought of it. Whiles i don’t encourage it, that is key to the decision to make the perilous journey in search for greener pastures.

Economic policies have become like nooses around the necks of even start-up businesses, worsening the plight is the ‘business-killing’ debacle of energy crisis. As it stands now; some of us are losing the little hope left.

The ruling political system of which you are leader of promised a set of things we are all privy to but certainly it seems that it was and continues to be more talk which has and is being backed by woefully little action.

Of what use would it be to have all the fine policies and ideas on paper and deliver none of it in concrete and practical terms. I remain rooted to my view that however the ‘this is what we have done’ propaganda and spinning drives, there has been too little done by inference, there is so much more to be done.

Whiles I owe it a responsibility to do what is right; it is [YOUR] duty to deliver on your promise.

I rest my case sir. Wish you well sir

Very Sincerely Yours Abdul Nasiru Shaibu An Ordinary Citizen of the Land