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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open Letter to Kumawu MP – Honourable Phillip Basoah

Dear Honourable Basoah,

You may, or may not, be aware of the recent unpalatable situation of insecurity faced by your constituents. Since the enstoolment of one Dr Yaw Sarfo, under clearly and proven illegal circumstances, as the Omanhene of Kumawu, your constituency has become like a playground for the Ghana police and the military. They hurtle down to Kumawu in their armour vehicles, heavily armed, with intentions to intimidate, harass and victimise a section of your constituents at the crack of either Asantehene or Kumawuhemaa's fingers. These armed personnel have taken sides in the Kumawu Stool disputes, being supportive of Kumawuhemaa and Asantehene who are the ones rather wronging the people.

These armed security personnel, whose basic duty is to protect and ensure public safety and or defend the nation against external aggressions, are rather terrorising innocent citizens of Kumawuman, especially, those in Kumawu and Bodomase. If there is no tumult, violent factionalisms or committal of serious crimes or even ongoing peaceful demonstrations in Kumawuman, do we need the needlessly incessant incursions on Kumawu by security forces armed to the teeth?

These police personnel and military are understood to lodge at Kumawu Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School, my alma mater. The school management have closed down the infirmary, transferred the Senior Nurse at the school to Effiduase Government General Hospital, and transformed the infirmary into a hostel to accommodate the police and the military.

The school has a student population of about three thousand young males and females. It is therefore imperative that they get their own infirmary to cater for their health needs. The students have always had a place to go to as a first point of contact with regard to their emergency health needs, e.g. first aid assistance. The people who came up with the idea of the school having an infirmary of their own were not fools; they knew what they were doing. Why should it be closed down now, only to provide a space for accommodating police and soldiers coming to Kumawu to intimidate the people for all absurd reasons?

The police and the soldiers have invaded the privacy of the students. Their unprofessional conduct, revving their armour car (vehicle) engines, screeching the tyres intimidatingly on the school campus, with their unnecessary round the clock sorties, do scare off the students.

Would you please investigate why Kumawuman is under constant police intimidation – the reasons and causes? Take it up in parliament. Additionally, make sure the police in any future silly operations by them; do not go to Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School. Get the school infirmary back. These are glorious initiatives for you to take. These are the best opportunities for you to seize as a Member of Parliament who cares about his constituency and the needs of his constituents.

I reserve my further comments, but bear in mind, the constituents voted for you, their collective interests must take precedence over your personal aspirations and the ambitions of known ineligibles that are resolutely determined to have their way with intention to swindle Kumawuman people.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo