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Opinions of Saturday, 14 April 2018

Columnist: Listowell Acquaye

Open Letter to all AUCC-SRC Executive Hopefuls and Students Part 3

Listowell Acquaye, Author Listowell Acquaye, Author

Subject: *Rhapsody of Absurdities*

Dear fellow Student,

It is with a disturbed mind and heart that I come your way with another letter penned down from the thoughtful assessments of student welfare and wellbeing in the Great African University College of Communication(AUCC) institution.

I do not write to incite or entice you with words that will stimulate your aesthetic senses to unduly react.

Rather, I come to awaken you to the realities that surround Student Leadership and Welfare on campus and how it is meant to affect you or the academic journey of many others.

Student leadership and administration in AUCC currently is arguably not an epistle to write home about.

You may disagree with me on that point but my stance on the issue is that if Student leadership is not serving the greater good of the majority of the student body, then there is a cause for worry.

In all two SRC administrations that I have witnessed as a level 300 Development Communication Student, none of them have affected me positively when it comes to the welfare of students.

The backwardness of the two SRC Administrations I have witnessed, is highly unpardonable. How can students of a communication institution like AUCC be led by SRC Executives that cannot communicate?

Currently, there is not a single monumental achievement in the school that Students are enjoying which came about through the interventions of AUCC.

How often is the presence of AUCC felt in the community of Tertiary Institutions, when it comes to academic activities?

I am tempted to ask if AUCC students for once would feel the presence and effectiveness of SRC leadership?

Can AUCC boast of a modern school bus?

Or have we received the sports center as promised us by administration after the school fees was increased by 200cedis?

Student's are still sacked from examination halls when SRC can use several options to prevent the situation?

Washrooms in AUCC today are arguably an eyesaw and hazardous to the health of most female students. Can't anything be done about this problem?

Does AUCC currently have a working dispensary that can administer first aid to any student in terms of an emergency?

Do we have a decent eatery that can accommodate a sizeable number of Student?

Where do you eat in school?

Lecture halls get hot when there is a joint class because of the glass windows that were made for air conditions?

Who should be calling for a change on the behalf of students?

I believe the school administration comes into consideration, in all of these concerns I have raised, however, if our student leaders act on their mandate as expected, there would not be a reason for this communique.

Dear student, I urge you to participate in the upcoming SRC Elections, Please engage aspirants and Vote into office competent candidates with the "can-do" spirit to change the fortunes of student welfare in AUCC.

I urge you to come vote for those who struggle financially and those that have no voice to demand the incentives due them in the four walls of AUCC.

Let your vote turn around the "Rhapsody of Absurdities" that persists in AUCC.

Expect more letters. I rest my case!

By: Listowell Acquaye (Chosen YesuBa)