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Opinions of Saturday, 18 October 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open Letter to the Eminent Citizens of Kumawuman

Dear Eminent Citizens,

Please permit me to inform you of certain things that are happening in your place of birth or place of origin, Kumawuman, that require addressing and, or your urgent attention. You are all very much aware of how our place of birth, Kumawuman, and especially Kumawu, has suffered dereliction under the very watch of the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II and her sister, the current queen of Kumawu.

The wanton actions and inactions by these two mentioned individuals have directly, but negatively, impacted the infrastructural and economic development of the area. The queen’s short-sightedness in pursuing insatiably greedy and selfish agenda, conniving with Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to dispose of one million acres of Kumawu Stool lands in the Afram Plains is inflicting further pain and deprivation on the inhabitants of our beloved locality of birth. I have copies of the booklets on the law suit brought against the companies to whom Asantehene in a stealthy manner sold the land. This law suit was instituted by one Mr Osei Kofi and another Kumawu citizen.

For your information, the Kumawu paramount Koduah Stool belongs to the Ananangya and the Odumase royal families. The Ankaase “royals” came in through the backdoor due to the evil machinations of one Yaw Dabo in collusion with his brother-in-law, Nana Osei Yaw Akoto, then Asantehene. Having said this, they have propped their position as the real royals of Kumawu, through acts of physical and spiritual extermination of the true Ananangya royals. The elders of Kumawuman and those who are conversant with the history of Kumawu, and are averse to falsehoods, will testify to the truthfulness of my assertion.

Now, the current Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, in collusion with Kumawuhemaa, his former girlfriend, and the now disgraced Asanteman Council of Chiefs, has in their fallacious wisdom, usurped the birth right of the Ananangyas, thus, their ownership of, and ascension to, the Kumawu paramount stool from them. Asantehene has engaged in other dubious acts that have the potential to cost Kumawuman dearly.

I have written about his deplorable acts and will continue to do so. I will not allow my fellow Londoner who should have known better but has chosen to do the opposite, cheat my people. He knows he is in the wrong but for his selfish desires, claiming to have developed tough skin against insults, he has chosen misdeed over decency. I shall be publishing my research work on the restoration of the Asante Confederacy in 1935, relating it to the current disgusting behaviours by our chiefs, especially Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. He will be proved wrong on his despicable attitudes towards the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. He is not being fair. He is dishonest. He has absolutely no right to choose anyone to be imposed on Kumawu. He does not understand the Asante’s history himself, period!

My dearest Eminent citizens, I require of you proactiveness, but not reactiveness. There are not enough toilets in Kumawuman especially Kumawu. This gives cause to people defecating in backyards and the nearby bushes giving rise to intermittent deadly outbreaks of cholera and typhoid fever in the area.

Would you please, acting as a group seeking the interest of your less fortunate ones living in Kumawuman, issue a press conference statement denouncing all the ongoing dubious acts in perpetration by the traditional rulers, principally Asantehene? We need to save our place of birth from further annihilation by these selfish chiefs and queen.

The Kumawu chieftaincy case comes up for hearing in court today, Friday 17 October 2014. Be there in your numbers to show solidarity with the litigants.

The High Court Judge has just thrown out the case; refused to play the video tape on which Kumawuhemaa, Asantehene and Asanteman Council involved themselves in gargantuan bribery regarding the enthronement of a new Kumawuhene. The court has ordered Kumawuhemaa to proceed with enthroning Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene, according to the judgment delivered at 10 am this morning. What an Atuguba-like judgment in play. There is no more justice in Ghana. What can Ghanaians do? Nothing?

Stay tuned for more revelations.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo