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Opinions of Saturday, 4 July 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open Letter to the Spokesperson for the Alleged Kumawuhene…

Dear Dr James London,

It has come to my attention through your own proclamations in the media that you are the Spokesperson for the alleged Kumawuhene, Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah, who in private life is known as Dr Yaw Sarfo. Whether you are a self-styled Spokesperson, or have been designated by him or the Kumawu Traditional Council to play that role of a Spokesperson, it has no specific relevance to my objective of writing to you today, Thursday 2 July 2015. I am rather more astonished and concerned about how you could so easily be influenced or manipulated to eat back your sputum, and how best I can be of help to you.

You really need to be extricated from the quagmire in which you presently find yourself. As a friend, I am aware it was not your initial intention to discreditably involve yourself in the Kumawu Stool dispute but circumstances probably beyond your control have compelled you to act that doubtfully.

I am not going to betray private remarks or conversations. However, I am going to advise you to backtrack from the path of action you have taken. Do you know that you have made a conscious effort to facilitate the exploitation of the wealth and lands of Kumawuman by Asantehene and his brigade of colluding cronies? Are you happy about the present deplorable state of Kumawuman, especially, Kumawu, the District Headquarters and the seat of the paramount chief? With all the dearth of infrastructural developments, but abundance of insanitary conditions facing Kumawu, you still feel proud of being the Spokesperson for Dr Yaw Sarfo who does exactly as dictated to him by Asantehene without questioning their sanity?

I am writing this letter to you upon the understanding that a friend in need is a friend indeed. You are in need of help because it does not befit your status, highly educated as you are, to consciously or subconsciously assist Asantehene to fleece Kumawuman, your place of birth. I need to bring it home to you that it does not belong to he who is leading to redirect their steps. The path you are cutting is very crooked.

Do not walk with your stomach but let integrity be the light that shines upon your feet. No matter how far you connive with Asantehene because of a promise of some sort made to you, you will never succeed in such an evil enterprise; people will look askance at your behaviour.

You know the history of Kumawuman much as I do. I am not ready to taciturnly sit on the fence while you aspire to, say, dubiously rewrite the history of Kumawu to suit your selfish agenda.

Be ready to rebut my write-ups if you find them full of falsified information. I shall do same to yours if found to be inundated with lies. We cannot sit by when the enemies of Kumawuman are not only exploiting us, but also, taking us for fools. By the way, do you still believe that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the Overlord of Asanteman with the autocratic powers to do as he wants when he wants?

Let the truth and the collective interests of Kumawuman be the pillars on which the development and the resolution of the chieftaincy dispute revolve at all time. The truth shall set you free from all life constraints but not the provision of the purported V8 Saloon car promised to you by Dr Yaw Sarfo and Kumawuhemaa if you played successfully your assigned Spokesman's role.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo