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Opinions of Sunday, 13 October 2013

Columnist: Xornam, Kofi Azumah

Open letter: NCA & ministry of communication

Greetings!. Would start my humble call by asking what are we waiting for as a board and ministry? Per issuing directive to all the telecommunication operators or mobile phone service providers in Ghana to scrap off all unduly registered SIM card numbers from their database and re-registering those affected mobile numbers? It is long overdue for this directive to be given!

Frankly speaking these mobile phone service providers only think of maximizing their profit without looking at the security implication to the nation if we give them the luxury free range to operate.

On the 08th /October/2013, the BBC news reported that the Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) has given 48hours ultimatum to all the four mobile phone service providers in Kenya to scrap off all unduly registered SIM card numbers from their system and re-register these numbers for their traceable record to be documented for reference purposes.

Though the CEO’s of the four mobile phone service providers in Kenya came out at no-time to deny the allegation vehemently.

The police in Kenya in a form of investigation and intelligence gathering went to the streets of Kenya to buy SIM card. And indeed the SIM cards were activated instantly for them without these vendors taken down any traceable information from the disguised police officers, which of course made the allegation leveled against the mobile phone service providers in Kenya to be in the affirmative. Right, the boss of CCK was asked by the BBC reporter that how would they know those unduly registered SIM card numbers are indeed scrapped off? And he confirmed that…. they wouldn’t know. But they were just hoping the mobile phone service providers will obey their directive and do the right thing in the stipulated 48hrs and furnished the commission with a report that… they have obliged to their directive.

Okay!, wants us to think aloud together. Is it a good call in Kenya? Is there due diligence in Kenya’s CCK directive? Can something be done differently to achieve the same objective? Can Ghana do same and even do it better? Likewise the just ended supreme court election petition in Kenya & Ghana. Where Ghana stood tall per our Supreme court justices professionalism and allowing cameras to the supreme court room. For the latter to throw more light to the final adjudication and for public education. Of course the purpose of the camera was achieved and every party concerned readily accepted the verdict. Undeniably, which indeed made me and so many others to learn a lot from our legal brains in Ghana. More importantly where Ghana’s supreme court came out with modalities and recommendation to Ghana’s Electoral Commission. “which would make elections in Ghana never to be the same again” ….in the words of Justice JSC Dotse.

Fine, is Ghana always good in dealing with ambulance service but not emptying those preventable situations as a country?

According to the Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK), the unregistered SIM card numbers are usually used in indulging in various criminal acts such as kidnapping etc. Fresh in mind is the famous Westgate Mall attack where probably these unregistered and untraceable SIM cards have played major role in. Also, this un-registered SIM card numbers become advantageous to these extremist cowardice criminals, because these criminals perpetuating these barbaric acts usually throws off the SIM cards after usage and their details could also not be traced.

Meanwhile, the Kenya securities, especially the police try investigating these criminals but they failed. Either they hit a snag or their efforts ends up being futile because of the perpetuators’ untraceable records.

Let’s now come home, Ghana. To a large extent, I hope Ghana shares those similar problems reigning in Kenya?

For instance, the incident that necessitated Ghana’s SIM card number registration exercises. Casting our minds back, the earthquake saga that spread like wild bush-fire. Cardinal and apparently which was facilitated by mobile phone text messages among other things. Where up to date the source of that mischief text message was never known. Undoubtedly, the latter had cause a lot of fear and panic at that fateful time in Ghana.

I knew very well u’re not resting as a board and ministry but more need to be done to put these mobile phone service providers whose primary aim is into maximizing only profit duly or unduly on their toes.

The question also is? Can Ghana come out with robust innovative measures to put an end to this canker facing African continent, and detecting if these un-registered SIM card numbers are factually eliminated from our system, yes we can! the words of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, ‘we can do all things if only we put our minds and efforts to it’

Immediately when Ghana is able to make history again by working closely with our mobile phone service providers in tracking these un-registered SIM card numbers, eliminating these numbers and re-registering these unregistered numbers to get traceable record. Then we can sanitize the atmosphere of Ghana holistically. And our sister countries could also benefit in that regard. Hence as a country we will again set Ghana’s enviable bar very high and invariably maintain our position as African hero in all endeavors’

Worthy of mentioning in my conclusion is, one of the most remarkable achievements by Honourable Kofi Totobi Quakyi that I can quickly lay my hands on right now.

During the last 2012 general election the National Communication Authority Board Chairman, Honourable Kofi Totobi Quakyi, said emphatically that no person or groups of persons would be allowed to cause panic or spread fear in the country during and after the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Mr. Quakyi, said in line with existing regulations, mobile network operators would be held liable for any threats to national security and stability emanating from communications generated from unregistered SIM card numbers. Mr. Quakyi reminded mobile operators of their responsibility to ensure that the integrity of mobile phone users are verified especially at that crucial time of our country.

One most heartwarming statement Honourable Kofi Totobi Quakyi made was 'Ghanaians have genuine concerns about peace during and after the elections and all must work to safeguard it,' he said. Mr. Quakyi said it would be a terrible idea to allow a handful of political anarchists to use mobile phones and other form of communication technology for malicious purposes. These positive directions given by Honourable Kofi Totobi Quakyi has undeniably contributed to yield dividend for mother Ghana.

That is to say without reservation that the 2012 general election was the most serene and peaceful election ever witnessed by the good people of Ghana and beyond. With no incidence whatsoever before, during and after the 2012 general election.

Invariably I hold the strong view and believe that everyone’s conversation and text messages were closely monitored by the mobile phone service providers at that seasonal time.

Hence, All hands on Deck to Make Ghana a Better place for us all.

Hope to hear some directive soon!!!

My Best regards to the board and the ministry.



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