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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Columnist: Akua Blakofe

Open letter to Air Maroc from Blakofe

Air Maroc Air Maroc

Dear Air Maroc,

Yes it’s true that Ghana no longer has a national airline. Yes it’s true that only one airline flies directly from Ghana to UK. Yes it’s true that Air Maroc is one of the most affordable airlines at the moment. But guess what? It’s not true that Ghanaians (and any other person, especially Africans) who use Air Maroc should be subjected to insults and substandard service.

I have stopped using Air Maroc for reasons such as bad service, bad customer service at your office and using old planes to transport passengers. It’s not acceptable for your staff to be rude to customers. It’s not right for transit passengers who hold African passports to be left sleeping on the airport floor.

Air Maroc is rubbish, but I have managed it in the past because it’s affordable. However, my relationship with this airline has come to its natural end due to what happened to my son in August this year. Truly the final straw for me was when the staff at your Airport City office engaged me in a verbal fight when I went to find out what had happened to my 15 year old boy who was traveling alone and had to transit in Casablanca. The official response from Air Maroc to my official letter of complaint shows that Air Maroc has no interest in the customer, only in our money.

I decided to share this bitter experience on my social media pages and it turns out MANY MANY people have had bad experiences with Air Maroc. The experiences have been so bad that people are calling for us to ban Air Maroc from doing business in Ghana. Incidentally most people have had problems with your employees at the Airport City office. If you were a serious company that cared about your customers, those employees should have been sacked or at the very least suspended. But you keep them on, to keep insulting customers. The day your employees fought with me, there was another customer at the office who was complaining that she had been also engaged in a fight over the phone, with Air Maroc staff. I guess that is your policy towards customers – insult and fight with us, we’ll still come back, afterall, our choices are limited!

Personally I won’t be using Air Maroc again and I put a call out for people to not only do same, but sign my petition on to have the airline banned from doing business in Ghana.

It’s about time people put their foot down and demanded better. Yes we no longer have our own national airline. But that is no reason to treat us with disrespect, rudeness and unprofessionalism.

To the Reader: If you have a bad experience with Air Maroc and would like to share please email me [email protected] or on Instagram (Blakofe).

Together, we can make a difference in how airlines treat the customer. Join me in my campaign for better service and for a ban on Air Maroc doing business in Ghana.

Thank You.