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Opinions of Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Columnist: Apaw Adu Russell

Open letter to Hon. Alhaji Mustapha Ussif and the management at NSS headquarters

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By: Apaw Adu Russell

Dear Executive Director of NSS,

It's my greatest joy to write to you and your staff this opening letter. I will first Congratulate you as our New Executive Director as far as Our Scheme and Tertiary Education is Concern. With reference to the Announcement of the increment of service allowance from ¢350.00 to ¢559.04 last year, many service Personnel's were optimistic about it but we were disappointed during our January and February allowance were paid, which still remains at ¢350.00. Per deliberation, the Scheme assured us that, the allowance was under review and by March 2017, our increment due to us will be paid with all outstanding arrears (January and February 2017) respectively.

The Nationwide Service Personnel's are optimistic for the increment and arrears this month( March) ending as promised and many press released from your Office, which has given us high hopes. I Will therefore plead with the Scheme to come on board and update us on the current Happenings of the increment. I would like to draw the attention of the Management of the scheme that, we are in an era, where many youth have, and are still Committing suicide without any special reasons. The various institutions are trying hard to figure out the cause but no avail.

I will therefore suggest to the Scheme to dispatch many Psychologist, Psychiatric Nurses, Counsellors, Financial Advisors and Competent Policemen and Women to the various Posting Places where National Service Personnel's are posted to for their service to prepare them towards another disappointment, in case our *¢559.04* increment plus the two months arrears of ¢418.08 does not reflect in our Accounts. The overall total will be ¢977.12.

We are of higher hopes for this money. So in case of any disappointment again, Committing of Suicide, Depression, Shock and Frustration will be at the highest peak and when it happens the names mentioned above can help prevent it.

But in case the amount stated will be paid, some of us may need *One Police, One National Service Personnel* plus One Financial Advisor to prevent unfortunate incident, because over happiness can also kill.

In conclusion, this letter may Sound funny and not real but let me remind you, "Prevention is better than Cure". I will therefore plead with the Management of NSS to put measures in place as soon as possible to avoid over burden and unfortunate incident in the Country. The youth has arise and the change has come so let us enjoy it. We know our beloved Mr. President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo led Administration will never disappoint us.

We are still Citizens and not Spectators.

I rest my case. To be Continued...

God bless our President of Ghana

God bless Our Executive Director NSS

God bless all National Service Personnel's in Ghana

God bless us all

God save us all too

Thank you.

Yours in Service,

Russell Adu Apaw,

NASPA Vice President UER,

NASPA President Talensi- Nabdam District UER,

A Service Personnel at Talensi District Hospital. Tongo.