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Opinions of Friday, 11 March 2022

Columnist: Alhaji Abdallah Mohammed

Open letter to Inspector General of Police

Land guards were present at the site Land guards were present at the site

The land guard lawlessness in Nmadzor continues unabated. I reported the activities of land guards and their sponsors to the Police to stop them from working on Land currently under litigation with an interlocutory injunction.

Per the police report (Police Ref: RCID/AR 57/V5/138), this case is still under investigation, but the recalcitrant land guards backed by one Sarah Osamampa are still on the land working.

I filled a petition delivered to your office, drawing your attention to this lawlessness and utter disrespect for the Police and the court. They are still on the land working.

I sent my brothers to go and verify what is happening on the Land (since I am out of the country). They were met by about 30 land guards hiding in an uncompleted building nearby, fully armed with pump-action guns and AK 47.

The land guards started firing warning shots in the glaring view of the residents with impunity. Don't take my word for it, send your intelligence unit to investigate, and they will confirm what I am telling you. At the time of writing this letter, they are still working on the land.

I have been advised to also employ the services of the land guards to meet fire with fire but refused to do so because I believe the law can and must work.
7. We were told Sarah Osamampa is very influential and to what extent we don’t know. But the inaction of the Police leaves much to be desired.

In our next visit to the site, we will carry the news media and cameramen to document the activities of the land guard and release them to the public for all to see.

For the record, if the Police failed to act to stop this lawlessness, we will be left with no choice but to sue the entire Police organization for contempt of court.

We pray and hope that you will use your good offices to bring these lawless land guards to book.