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Opinions of Thursday, 19 April 2018

Columnist: Listowell Acquaye

Open letter to all AUCC-SRC aspirants

Listowell Acquaye, Author Listowell Acquaye, Author

Subject: *An Epistle of Progress not War*

Greetings to all potential incoming SRC Executives and the entire Student body.

The time has finally come for us to go to the polls to elect a leader and a competent one as such.

In some few days, we have all witnessed the campaign strategies of the aspiring candidates and heard their policy messages and promises.

I therefore encourage each and every AUCC Student to come and vote massively for the best candidate.

Let us all be tolerant, disciplined, diplomatic, patriotic and supportive in making sure we elect a competent leader who will make the name of AUCC a household name in the community of tertiary institutions in Ghana and beyond.

Interestingly, in these few days we have seen the focus, progressive, unyielding and positive psyche that our able aspirants have displayed according to the laid down statutes of our Great school AUCC.

From the picking of forms, vetting, manifesto reading, debate and friendly intellectual fires that have also been witnessed by way of communiques, I must say the awareness and inclusiveness of our able student body has been felt massively by all and sundry within AUCC and the outside world.

However, I would want to caution all aspiring candidates to be very diplomatic and politically mature to accomodate one another after this electioneering process.

In every battle soldiers sustain wounds and others get killed but a true soldier doesn't remain or become a perpetual enemy of his/her fellow(opponent) forever.

- Let us all come to terms with the standard and accepted dictates of the political ropes to aid us work hand in hand to achieve a common goal to bring about holistic development.

- Let us not wallow in the divisive wells of hatred to despitefully treat one another with disdain.

- Let us remain one another's keeper, supporter, and critic until the change we all seek in AUCC's student leadership is attained.

Today, I remind you that we are all children of the Great AUCC where Great are discovered.

May we live together in harmony after this election and join forces to help whoever wins to bring about a positive change.

Let aspirants congratulate one another and constructively criticise one another with malice and pretense. Diplomacy and tolerance are key words in leadership.

I once again urge all students to vote massively for the best candidate to lead us to the land of honey and milk.

Let's vote for competent, visionary, and progress hungry leaders whose policies, aims and objectives are realistic in the short term.(8months)

My greatest wish is for the best candidate to win to further raise the banner of AUCC-SRC and her Graceful image and leadership higher!

Turn up in your numbers to come Vote for a progressive leader.

I rest my case. Expect more letters.

By: Listowell Acquaye(Chosen YesuBa)