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Opinions of Friday, 14 October 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Open letter to all presidential aspirants disqualified by the EC

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Dear Presidential Aspirants,

I would like to convey my sympathy to you by way of expressing my disappointment at your unfortunate disqualification from contesting election 2016 in case you could become the President of Ghana.

I am doing so in the belief that any sensible person with real human feeling and heart will sympathize with, and console, a compatriot, who is in some sort of trouble came about unexpectedly inadvertently. Such act of consolation is even advised by God to human beings. It is in the bible in Romans 12:15 – “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep”.

At the moment, I know that most, if not all of you, are sorrowfully brooding over your unexpectedly unfortunate fate of disqualification from pursuing your life’s dreams. However, the bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that “there is a time for everything…..” and in Thessalonians 5:18 it says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”

I know that each of you was aspiring to become the President of Ghana to help liberate Ghanaians from their ongoing economic hardships, miseries, sufferance of lawlessness, practice of selective justice and all other known and unknown injustices prevalent in Ghana under the watch of President Mahama and his NDC government.

If your primary objective was to boot President Mahama out of office because of how he is mismanaging the affairs of the country to the detriment of about 99% of the population, then rest assured that all hope is not lost if and only if, you will do as I am about to advise you.

Would you mind rallying behind Nana Akufo Addo with all your might, mind, soul and heart to wrestle power from President Mahama to set the Ghanaian captives free from his roguish administration? This is the only credible alternative you are left with if all your threats to see the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Charlotte Osei, and her outfit in court fail.

Throwing your weight behind Nana Akufo Addo, and advising your teeming supporters to do same, is the only useful service to Ghanaians you are left with to render in rescuing them from the deplorable rule by President Mahama and his NDC government. What else can you do to save Ghanaians from their current and ongoing financial hardships and joblessness?

While permitting you time, space and privacy to weep your eyes out following the bolt out of the blue fate that has happened to you, I shall at the same time entreat you to cogitate about my suggestion as indicated above.

One thing I know for sure is it was not all of you who were seriously going into Election 2016 to wrestle power from President Mahama. This conviction of mine is based on, or deduced from, a video recorded message from Madam Akua Donkor’s own mouth when she once granted an interview to Adom TV presenter Kwaku Adoma Onwawani a few months ago. She said, even though she was contesting for the presidency in 2016, she knows President Mahama will win so she is going to help her son, President Mahama, to win it so that he in turn hands over the presidency to her in 2020.

How could we take such a person seriously? She does not even care that she has been disqualified after all; she has a dubious agenda towards the election in the first place.

All said and done, I shall see you campaign side by side with Nana Akufo Addo in your dreams and aspirations to extricate Ghana and Ghanaians from the harshly destructive economic tentacles of President Mahama.

Shall God grant you discerning wisdom coupled with impartiality when analysing my proposals. Shall He wipe off your tears. Amen.

Yours Sincerely,

Rockson Adofo