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Opinions of Monday, 11 December 2017

Columnist: Assibid Dauda

Open letter to the Chief Justice, Sophia Akuffo

Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo Chief Justice Sophia Akuffo

Dear Sophia Akuffo,

Chief Justice of the Republic of Ghana,

Greetings from Binduri.

Madam there is fire on the mountain, great fire I mean, it can burn into flames the whole Ghana. I understand your committee began impeachment proceedings against Mrs. Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana today, right? I read it from the web.

I am by this letter calling on your outfit to act fast and help save Ghana from impending crisis in the hands of the Nana Akufo-Addo, the New Patriotic Party and their surrogates. Even you are one of those surrogates.

It is no secret that Madam Charlotte Osei debunked all the frivolous politically motivated allegations against her in a response which I believe got to you. In her response it was clear she was carrying out her work diligently and appropriately to the chagrin of some old rats whose holes are being flattened.

They feel uncomfortable and decided to throw mud at the hardworking woman by accepting to endorse a politically sponsored stupid petition led by the reckless Lawyer Opoku Agyeman.

They finally ended up selecting some staff of the EC to endorse a petition which content they don’t know save for the fact that they were shortlisted to be sent abroad to undertake the ROPAL registrations.

A careful read of her response and study of events at the EC so far indicates that a cartel that has been bathing in corruption for a long time and have sunk themselves in a scam that made them think nothing is at stake is arrogantly defying authority and is vehemently resisting authority and a genuine fight against corruption in the independent EC.

Akuffo Addo promised to fight corruption and I believe he should rather support the woman to kill the cats at the EC. He should not allow the mischievous Maxwell Opoku Agyemang to use his legal education to destroy the Ghanaian Society simply because it will enable NPP to manipulate the EC.

I am a very concerned citizen who cherishes peace and security so much and for that matter made it my constitutional duty to protect and defend the good name of our country Ghana.

I will any day, any time resist oppressors rule. The NPP is incorrigibly bent on rigging the 2020 elections knowing very well they didn't win the 2016 elections. There is a grand scheme by the Presidency and certain top notches of the Electoral Commission (EC) to remove at all cost the EC Chair from office to enable the NPP implement its rigging plans.

I know you very well know what am talking about, you might as well be included in the agenda but all you need to do if you're already involved is to as a matter of urgency coil back. Don't get yourself involved.

Madam Chief Justice, it is interesting to note that, certain top notches within the EC have entered into a dangerous mutual agreement with the NPP to oust Mrs. Charlotte Osei.

Those elements have agreed to indict Madam Charlotte Osei of administrative lapses ostensibly to render her unsuitable for the job. You should also know that alleged administrative lapses cannot be a basis for impeaching the EC boss. It must be constitutional lapses instead. Per the information available, there is nothing constitutionally wrong with her conduct.

In fact she conducted herself diligently and gave Ghana an undisputed results. Shouldn't we be applauding her rather than calling for her head?

Something is definitely not adding up. We shall know with time.

Madam Chief Justice, the Presidency is so determined to dismiss the EC boss. There are many petitions piled up at the Presidency unattended to. The alacrity with which the petition against the EC boss was dispatch to your outfit is very curious.

Assibid Dauda wants to know, what is so special or different with her petition that it got to your outfit within a few days? A faceless and nameless petition was accommodated at the Presidency until names were found for them after financial inducements. Is the presidency now an official accommodation for ghosts? I understand you are a blood relative of the president.

I also understand you have received instructions to implicate the EC boss and further recommend her dismissal, a pretext the president is awaiting in order to actualize her removal.

The dangerous and skewed arguments of the President and those in conspiracy with him on the issue under reference are that, the only way NPP can retain power in 2020 is to have full control of the EC.

The NPP intends to deliberately refuse certain class of citizens from registering as voters. These deliberate predetermined plans of calculated exclusivism are a recipe for chaos. Be watchful.

The desire of the NPP is not and cannot be the desire of the whole country. Civil wars begin with treacherous demeanours like you are engaging in.

Madam Chief Justice, there is the need for you to protect the EC boss and the Independent Electoral Commission of Ghana. Madam, power is transient, you come, you serve, you go. Others came and left. Former President John Dramani Mahama came and left and I know for sure that God willing he would be back in 2020.

If after the regime change in 2020, a certain basket of deplorable sign up a petition for your impeachment, citing wicked and frivolous reasons as in Mrs. Charlotte Osei's case, would you be comfortable? Anything is possible madam Chief Justice.

It is clear from the disposition of the EC Chair that her competence is not in doubt. She survived obvious sabotage in her tenure so far. In the face of all these hecklings and name calling, she remained emotionally intelligent, stable and firm in the discharge of her constitutional mandate so far.

She intelligently took the brewing mood of country and the pseudo-war declared by the NPP's premature declaration of the Presidential polls for themselves which they managed to deceive people to accept without which there will be war and declared the 2016 elections though the results tally finally showed Akufo-Addo did not win the elections; a fact known to the NPP and the President himself.

Her competence is the reason why the US State Department awarded her recently as one of the top women achievers.

Madam Chief Justice, there are ways that seems perfect to human, but their end leads to self destruction. Be you informed that you are on a suicide mission to destroy yourself and our country Ghana, be watchful.

Where you are currently treading is too hot for a bare footed woman who still squats to urinate. Don't say had you known. I am not a prophet of doom, I am only signaling the warning bells ahead of time. I urge strongly a pre-emptive action from your outfit to halt these evil plans that are being hatched against the national interest.

As I write I believe your children are abroad; the president’s children are abroad; the evil men supporting this crime against democracy have diplomatic passports and may fly out soon when the flames begin.

Myself and the helpless peace-loving Ghanaians will stay and suffer the burns of flames caused by greedy demons seeking to hold onto power to make our lot worse. Enough Madam, we will not accept it.

Madam Chief Justice, I say Se queda for Mrs. Charlotte Osei. I mean she must stay. She must be protected to carry out her mandate without any fear or favour. Akuffo Addo, Lawyer Opoku Agyeman, the sixty EC staff who were forced to sign the petition and Amadu Sule can go to hell.

Their insatiable greed must not drown this country into abyss. Be warned, let the demons flee town before hell breaks loose.

Above all Madam, remember this: MAN PROPOSES; BUT GOD DISPOSES. The fear of God is better than the display of transient power. Remember how Justice Kwame Afreh died!

Thanks for your attention.