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Opinions of Thursday, 19 November 2020

Columnist: Nana Yaa Boakyewaa Yiadom

Open letter to the Electoral Commissioner Jean Mensa

Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa

Mr. Martin Amidu in his resignation letter to the President, said, “but your reaction to my letter with reference number OSP/SCRI20/12/20 dated 16th October 2020 which was delivered to you on 19th October 2020 conveying to you the conclusions and observations of the analysis of the risk of corruption and anti-corruption assessment of the Agyapa Royalties Limited Transactions convinces me beyond every reasonable doubt that you had laboured under the mistaken belief that I could hold the Office of the Special Prosecutor as your poodle.”

Since your appointment as the Electoral Commissioner, Jean Mensa, you have done very strange things and taken decisions that cast doubt over your neutrality in making sure Ghana has a free and fair election.

The rules of the game keep changing with the latest being the alleged secretive overprinting of voter’s ID cards and ballot papers. Many Ghanaians and Civil Society Organisations have shown concern about the perception that your office is trying to help the ruling party rig the December 7th, 2020 elections and that you seem to be controlled by the appointing authority.

Now Mr Martin Amidu, who just resigned as Special Prosecutor, seems to have, to a very large extent, actualised that perception of the “unseen hand” in his letter of resignation to the President.

Mr. Martin Amidu says he has refused to be used as a poodle, hence his resignation and made damning allegations of President Akufo-Addo interfering in his function. He has been bold and as EC chair you must take inspiration from him if you are experiencing the same.

The sad thing is that when push comes to shove you, Jean Mensa will be left in the cold alone as a poodle shivering with no cover. The law will be thrown at you and quoted to you that you took the decisions alone as per the independent powers granted you.

Take a cue from the response from the Presidency to Mr Martin Amidu’s resignation letter refuting claims that he resigned as a result of government’s interference in his work.

“… The real question is, what prevented your office from investigating the alleged corruption-related offences which may have arisen from your assessment of the Agyapa transaction…?”

Jean Mensa read the above carefully. You will be on your own if you do not say enough is enough. It is not too late to do the RIGHT THING.