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Opinions of Sunday, 21 August 2011

Columnist: Adjei, Nii Ashitey

Open letter to the president

P.O BOX …………
22ND AUGUST, 2011


Dear Prez. John Atta Mills
Mr. President, let me kindly indulge your attention for a few minutes despite your busy schedules and your resolve to executing the Better Ghana Agenda. I am very honored and humbled to write you these few words of mine though representing the voices of the larger masses in Tema.
Let me also use this privilege to congratulate you on your victory in the just ended Sunyani Special Delegates Congress. I am also glad you mentioned in your victory speech that, concerns and agitations raised by the grassroots of the party are genuine and real and would be addressed.
Mr. President, the appointment of Hon. Kempes Ofosuware as the Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive was greeted with huge dissentment and agitations by majority of the NDC supporters in Tema and the citizens in Tema as a whole. But all attempts to reach you with our concerns proved futile due to certain deliberate blockades that were instituted by Hon. Kempes’s cronies within the corridors of power (Osu Castle).
The Better Ghana Agenda as espoused and highly valued by your good self have not really gone down well with the citizens of Tema. A number of protests have gone on in the various communities in Tema to register our plights and concerns. Recently, the Fishermen and Canoe Owners Association held a well publicized press conference intimating in plain words that the Municipal Chief Executive has woefully failed them. Interestingly, majority of the fishermen and women are supporters of the NDC. To add salt to injury, Hon. Kempes Ofosuware as alleged by the Canoe Owners Association mishandles the proceeds from the sale of the premix fuel. His relations with the fisher folks have grown soar and could be extremely detrimental to the success and fortunes of the NDC in the 2012 General Elections. I feel that, the merits of their concerns should be analyzed and addressed.
In addition, Hon. Kempes Ofosuware has been known for immoral and dishonorable acts within the Tema Metropolis. There has been an allegation to the extent that, he has had an affair with some ones wife just closer to my family house at community eight (8) and the case was immediately swept under the carpet. The couples have confided in me and are ever ready to expose Hon. Kempes in due time. This is a known fact in Tema. There is one thing we know for sure, that this does not reflect your true nature as an “Asomdwee hene”.
Mr. President, it might interest you to note that, there are letters written by branch executives in Tema East calling for an emergency constituency meeting to put a halt to the deliberate policy by Hon. Kempes Ofosuware to favour NPP members in Tema East at the expense of the NDC Members. It was stated in the letter written by one Jake Addo, Joshua Aryeh (Site 18) Branch Chairman and re-echoed in another letter written by Augustine Akorley Kwahu, Akotex Branch Secretary, Community Seven to the Constituency Chairman and Secretary that the policy “will make us poor and week”.
Many executives and members of the Tema East NDC have expressed that; this deliberate policy by Hon. Kempes will make the party poor and week. My interactions with some key party members in Tema East revealed that, they have chanced on some minutes purported to have been proceedings of a special meeting with Hon. Kempes Ofosuware. In this minute, he alleged to have said that, his intentions of moving back to the NPP, his former party, after the NDC looses in the 2012 elections remains non negotiable. Hon. Kempes is now an individual we cannot trust in Tema East and as a result has brought apathy and mistrust in Tema East Constituency and the Tema Community.
President Mills, as I write, over 30 individuals in Tema are standing trials for charges that they did not commit. Ironically, most of these persons are NDC members and supporters and yet Hon. Kempes by His Leadership over the Tema Security Service pushed for the trial of these NDC members. The case is currently running. But you may be surprised to know that, when the police force unleashed their live bullets on the fisher folks during a confrontation with them, the police successfully shot two (2) persons who died and were buried. A pregnant woman was also shot. Yet, Hon. Kempes did not show any iota of remorse to apologize. Tema New Town is a homogeneous community and as such, anything that affects one person affects the other. This act by the Tema Regional Police under the instigation of Hon. Kempes brought untoward division to the people of Tema.
Quite interestingly, in the recent listening campaign by the NPP flag bearer, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo Addo to the Tema township, the flag bearer met with the families of the two (2) individuals who were shot and died by the Police and donated an amount of GH C 10,000.00 to the families. I hope by now, you understand the repercussions of such act by Nana Addo on the fortunes of the NDC in the upcoming 2012 elections especially in a coastal community like Tema New Town.
The NDC has got it all wrong in Tema under the leadership of Hon. Kempes Ofosuware. I wish you will quickly dispatch true and honest persons from the castle to the grounds to witness for themselves the reality on the grounds.
On the issue of bribing and intimidation of very outspoken groups and individuals in the Metropolis, the least talked about it, the better.
The Tema East NDC currently needs unity in the party and in the whole of Tema. But considering the latest happenings and media publications by the MCE and his cohorts, it is very obvious he is not purposed to unite the party but to deepen the already existing cracks and wounds in the Tema East NDC and Tema in general. The people of Tema including the NDC folks are bitterly aggrieved and are poised to really show Hon. Kempes Ofosuware where the power lies in the upcoming General elections should he contest. This may completely affect and ruin your desire to win more votes in order to secure a second term in office.
Mr. President, the earlier something is done to salvage the Tema East NDC from embarrassing defeat in the 2012 elections, the better.
Thank you Mr. President for your kind attention. I pray for God to grant you more strength and wisdom to successfully execute the Better Ghana Agenda. EYE ZU!!! EYE ZA!!!

Tema East NDC Member