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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Otwen bebre, Obofo3 nso bebre

Without access to a computer keyboard that has "Twi" keypads, I always struggle to get my Twi spellings right. I hope my readers will bear with me as long as they can decipher or feel the import of the subject matter. Understanding the message, cogitating about it, and being its doer rather than its forgetful hearer are more important than beating yourself sore about the Twi spelling. That is the sole objective of the writer. ? The above title literally means, "Much as the antelope suffers, and so does the hunter". To expound on the above proverb, I have the following to say: The hunter must be slyly clever, hiding behind bushes, hiding behind trees, craning his head very often, listening attentively for all slightest noises with eyes wide open watching every movement, holding his breath when aiming a gun at its prey, taking silent careful steps in order not to alert or put its prey to flight etc. As the hunter does as stated above in an attempt to bag the antelope, the antelope on the other hand to escape death at the hands of the foxy hunter does as following: It raises its ears listening for suspicious noises and movements and then takes to its heels when it senses imminent danger. After running a distance, it stops, hides in the bush with the heart pounding against its ribs. It keeps looking round, sniffing the air for unusual presence of predator (the hunter), then runs away to a supposed safe area. It keeps playing this game of hide and seek with the hunter until it gets hunted down or the hunter gets frustrated, exhausted, and abandons his objective of hoping to make a sumptuous meal of the antelope. ? ? From the above little explanation, have we seen how both the hunter and the antelope are suffering? This is how it happens between a genuine person and a mischievous fellow in the real world situation. The malevolent always tries to undermine the other maliciously. In the process, he or she gets equally bruised. The genuine person strives to live above reproach, focusing on his or her authentic aspirations to be of proper service to their people, humanity and country. Nonetheless, he gets thwarted on every inch of the way by the enemy but with determination backed by action being the key to success, he will emerge victorious regardless of the long time it takes. ? ? Let me cite ongoing practical examples to better make my point clearer to my readers. Justice Atuguba of the Ghana Supreme Court for reasons best known to him only, gave a verdict on Election 2012 petition that many a discerning Ghanaian has come to consider as not only absurd, erroneous but a dangerous precedent in the annals of the nation’s Constitutional and electoral laws applications and interpretations. Sooner had he delivered that judgment to suit his own selfish caprices when he hurtled down to the US into a probably temporary self exile? He thought he was doing the petitioners and all the intelligent persons in Ghana a great harm; he ended up running away from Ghana a disgraced judge. He will go down in history as the most disgraceful judge Ghana has ever had. In the glare of TV cameras, he portrayed his animalistic instincts when dealing tyrannically with Mr Owusu Afriyie, alias Sir John. In the end, his poisonous stinging power has been removed by the absurdity of his hostile partisanship. The petitioners have been denied their genuine permission by God to be of service to Ghana. Ghanaians are weeping from the unprecedented harshest socio-economic problems that have become part of their life. Both Atuguba and majority of Ghanaians are suffering in a way or the other. As Atuguba suffers humiliation, Ghanaians suffer economic hardships. ? ? Some within the NPP were not pulling their weight during the electioneering campaign. They were not hundred per cent committed to helping their colleagues win parliamentary seats or the presidency. These people though belonging in the NPP family were exhibiting the same evilness as does the NDC. While some succeeded in scuppering the chances of their targets from winning their seats as malevolently intended, others failed in their bid. All those that behaved that devilishly could in the end not attain their yearned for positions in Ghana. Their wishes for superb recognitions keep deferring needlessly. If they had assisted with all their heart, mind and soul during the elections for say, Nana Akufo Addo to win, their turn would be nearing. But for their evil-mindedness or sabotage, their chance has correspondingly been postponed. As Nana Akufo Addo lingers in pain of defeat but people still looking up to him to come again, the chances of his rivals in the NPP will continue to be pushed into relegation. I do not want to mention names but all those with such malevolent intentions know themselves. Would you be able to take ten steps if you prevent your neighbour from taking nine? The answer is a BIG NO according as certified by the old wise men. ? ? I do not lay blame on Ghanaians for Mahama been crowned the winner of the presidential election 2012. The reason being, they did not vote Mahama in their majority. The election was simply rigged by Kwadwo Afari Gyan and his accomplices in favour of Mahama. However, those people that voted NDC and for John Mahama, thinking they were causing the downfall of Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP are those that are weeping eyes out the loudest because of the economic and financial hardships facing Ghana under the clueless President. ? Finally but not the least, John Mahama, the NDC and Dr Afari Gyan with his outfit colluded to rig the elections in favour of John Mahama. Now, they are sitting with the problem of defending themselves against insults and all forms of accusations. They are unable to govern properly. They cannot tell their left from their right in the turbulent sea of governance. Afari Gyan is even alleged to have defecated on himself in the witness box during his cross-examination by Lead Counsel for the petitioners - Phillip Addison. Mahama and his brigade of crooks are left with telling lies day in day out in attempts to defending themselves. Much as those that were robbed of their winning verdict are worried, musing over how that was possible, the beneficiaries of the robbery are on the other hand not at all at peace with themselves. ? ? What then the situation of, "Otwen bebre, Obofo3 nso bebre" that some Ghanaians find themselves in? Let us learn not to be victims of our own evil machinations. Stay tuned for more info from Rockson, the "I don’t fear huu" man who tells the truth as it is. I am the defender of the defenceless and my catchphrase is, HATE ME, BUT FOR A GOOD REASON. ? Rockson Adofo ? ?