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Opinions of Monday, 15 June 2009

Columnist: Yeboah, Stephen

Our Attitude is Haunting Us. Who is to be Blamed?

Recent happenings in the country clearly indicate that the attitude as Ghanaians we exhibit in diverse fields of endeavors is inimical to the development process of the country and amounts to nothing than extreme poverty. It is a well known fact that all is not well in the country as regards the boiling political sentiments and extremism at one end and socio-economic issues at the other end. The nature of attitude exhibited to sustaining the development efforts of this country is utterly poor. Politics in Ghana has been the major subject spearheading the path to prosperity with modest regards to the socio-economic aspects of the country's development quest. Politically- oriented policies and confrontational politics in the country indeed indicates the slackness of the country to experience any significant progress. It is important to disclose that for now, there is no set direction for Ghana as regards strategic policies that would serve to guide the country to prosperity. However, this is neglected for the sake of politics that is believed will bring money to the pocket of some people.

Politically- Oriented Policies

Development policies which are formulated and implemented for the sake of the country’s improvement to curtail the menace of poverty has recently been rendered impoverish and ineffective all for the sake of politics. Policies meant to improve the living standard which should be clear-off ˜dirty politics have not been made possible in the country. This has rendered Ghana to be always starting the race of development from level zero signifying forward and backward movement of efforts towards prospective development.

A major issue has been the duration of the senior high school programme in which a whole lot of politics have been attached. It is rather unfortunate that as at 21st Century the country is still indecisive of the appropriate duration of education for its youth. This is a complete derail to the process of development in Ghana. The 2-day forum initiated by the Ministry of Education on the duration of the senior high school education indeed served no practical usefulness especially when no consensus was reached by participants. This is a complete wastage of state money to fund the forum. What then is the next step?

What is even making matters worse is the new paradigm of petrol politics which goes a long way to be incorporated into a whole party’s manifesto. Manifesto which should clearly indicate the direction of principles, policies and strategies to development by political parties have been rendered a normal brochure on the grounds of petrol. It is high time political parties came to realization that development issues are completely separate from issues of petrol where prices are determined in the world market. The incumbent government was in a state of indecision of whether to increase or reduce the prices of petroleum products as oil prices continued to increase in the world market. The question still lingers on that ‘why the government did not subsidize as promised in their campaign trails in the country to reduce petrol prices or shift the increase to the people in the midst of their campaign promises?’Â

Political Extremism

The upwelling of concerns in the country clearly gives the indication that gradually there seem to be the formation, if not existing, of political factions where party followers regards the others in different political parties as deadly enemies. This development if not nipped in the bud would serve to be detrimental to the process of development within the shortest possible time. It is indeed an outstanding politics that is capable of plunging the country into disaster. Oh! Is it supposed to be a country's attitude desperately in search for prosperity for its people? It is, no doubt, that political issues receive more media attention than any other issues especially the written media with the reason no one seems to know. We are all one nation with one heritage. The incidence that happened in Tamale when suspected National Democratic Congress thugs seized the National Health Insurance Scheme and National Youth Employment Programme office indisputably reveals the fruit of every attitude we show as Ghanaians in the field of politics. They operate with the statement that 'ban aba” without regarding the law as their government is in power. What is happening in this country?

The Resultant Effect

It goes without saying that indeed, our hypocrisy is killing us. What is happening in the country really leaves much to be desired considering politicians preaching prosperity during campaign and amass state money for selfish ambitions when voted in office. Taxes which are generated from the poor Ghanaian who sits in the scorching sun to earn a living are easily squandered by so-called patriotic political and government officials. One major issue that is fraught with danger is for the government of the day to lose the trust of its citizens simply by making promises it would not be able to fulfill. It is worthy of note that the breach to social compact makes government unsuccessful and is possible the people would not support prudent policies formulated which are meant to improve their livelihoods.

This is what makes the development of Ghana seems far rather than near considering the approaches adopted for the benefit of the country. I would establish the fact that Ghana is likely to experience significant development in the next 25 years if tremendous changes are not effected in the recent approaches the country is adopting. Political issues are now ranking high more than even socio-economic issues that have the propensity to bring development to the people. It is, therefore, not surprising of the present high incidence of poverty among the people and the ailing economy that is believed to be driving away the youth to seek better life elsewhere. Brain drain is on the ascendancy by reason of our own attitude in politics, social and economic aspects of life. These and many others explain why the economy of Ghana is comparatively static without significant improvements of the livelihoods of people. Poverty still has a firm grip on majority of the people and a solution to this is rather the issue that should receive the spotlight of government and the media.

By: Stephen Yeboah, Department of Planning, KNUST- Kumasi. Email: [email protected]