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Opinions of Sunday, 27 January 2008

Columnist: Prof Lungu

Our Persons of the New Year

Our “Persons of the New Year”: Transcript & Video of Dr. Asemfofro@People's Assembly

When I thought about doing a piece on the video from Africast (Ghanaweb, 19 Jan 08), I was distressed by at least 2 things:

(1) Hardly any comments from so many regular visitors to Ghanaweb many of whom have told us they are intellectuals and scholars, that they are persons with strong interests in how Ghana develops, democratically. Frequently, many of these same people will invite others to debate how goes the Ghana democracy enterprise!

(2) Absolute number of negative comments about the way the “Speaker” (Dr. Asemfofro) looked, what the “Speaker” actually said, the “disrespectful” question posed to the “Head of State,” even about the manner of speech seen on the video.

After reading most of the 123 comments, I came to the conclusion that the video presented a significant teachable moment for all Ghanaians and Ghana supporters interested in discourse as the best way to nurture Ghana’s nascent democracy. In fact, I thought the video was so insightful that I concluded that (1) the Speaker, (2) the Mediator, and (3) the Peoples Representative all deserved a special mention/recognition, recognizing that it is foremost about the “Citizen,” the People.


I’d like to remind the reader that before that video, a report attributed to “Lens” had appeared on Ghanaweb (16 Jan 08) under the confounding and unexplainable title “Dr Asem Foforo Terrorises Kufuor Again.” I cannot understand why “Lens” chose to use that title or how that title might have influenced others negatively, after seeing the video. Clearly, by the Ghana National Media Commission (NMC) standards, that title by “Lens” was "sensational, unethical and abusive" of the rights of Dr. Asemfofro, a citizen who was merely exercising his rights to free speech. Further, it struck me as authoritarian and anti-democratic for some folks on Ghanaweb to attack anyone merely for speaking, for asking a question of a sitting Head of State at a public forum, a Head of State who is paid by the people to listen to the people.

Despite the “unethical and abusive” title, the piece from “Lens” was in English and thus accessible to all who cared to read it. Quickly, Ghanaweb readers and contributors were fortunate enough to get a segment of the video from Africast Video Network, in Akan. I decided to transcribe the video as best as I could (Prof Lungu is not an expert in the Akan language or a professional transcriptionist) and present the translated version. The hope was that others who had difficulty understanding what was said will to get a better idea about what was actually said. This is of course consistent with my strong belief that any material item on Ghanaweb that is not in English should be translated/transcribed if (1) it is an original item for Ghanaweb, and (2) the person posting that item truly stands for “One Ghana” (Ghana-centeredness).



(Begin with MC (Lady))

MC (Lady): Thanks. Last one (comment) please…

Dr. Asemfofro: I am Dr. Asemffro. I am from Jumapo, in the Eastern Region. That is where I’m from. I thank the Head of State for allowing me to speak. Every year, for the last 4 years, every time I finish speaking, every time I speak, the way they beat and treat me, how they humiliate me, is a serious problem, (not a minor problem).

Last year, in Sunyani, everybody knows how they dealt with me.

Me and the Evangelist, on 24 Mar 07, a man from Kumasi, Manhyia. They call him Sumsum. They beat me and sent me to Gee (Hospital) and I even needed X-rays. He (Sunsum) has warned me that any time I arrive at Kumasi, he will….

MC (Lady): Dr. Asemfofro, question please…

Dr. Asemfofro: (continuing) ….He will kill me and leave me in the streets of Kumasi. Because of that, I cannot go to Kumasi any more…

MC (Lady): Asemfofro, ask the question, question….

Dr. Asemfofro: I beg you. The man standing over there right now (pointing to the person)… He said that if I speak, he will beat me toothless (Laughter by the police, workers, and audience)…

Therefore, I beg. They (meaning officials) should talk/speak to him….

The matter I bring today is about the Vote. All the priests are praying for peace. If peace will prevail, it depends on the people who will supervise the Vote (elections). If there is cheating, then there will be no peace.

Because, when we reflect to 2000 on Elder J. J. Rawlings and ----(Prof Lungu has no idea what that means)---Atta Mills, when there was the vote and they lost, they accepted the verdict (defeat). They handed over to Head of State Kufour peacefully. So I am asking the Head of State that if after the vote, the NPP loses, will the Head of State hand over to Prof Atta Mills, or what?

(Audience: Some commotion in the background, agitation..)

Dr. Asemfofro: Don’t cut me, don’t cut me (meaning allow me to speak)

(Audience: Some commotion, uproar, in the background, agitation..)

Dr. Asemfofro: Don’t cut me, don’t cut me…

MC (Lady): Your time has elapsed, your time has elapsed

(Audience: Some commotion, ruckus, in the background, agitation…..President Kufour seems to be waving to the officials to let the person go on…)

MC (Lady): Brother, come here, come here…

(Dr. Asemfofro is “escorted” by the MC by the hand to place nearer the stage where the President is sitting with some other officials…one can almost hear someone saying “Leave him alone – let him speak, possibly the President…)

Dr. Asemfofro: (continuing): Let me speak… Head of State Kufour. Because…What I was saying before they disrupted me…

Dr. Asemfofro: (now emphasizing….): When you went to Asamankese, you said that you will not sit around and allow bad people to snatch power from your hands. And I am asking you… The CPP people, are they bad people? Or us the NDC people, are they bad people? When you were the leader of the opposition in 2000, were you also a bad person? That is my question. I hope the Head of State does not say I have not spoken well…

MC (Lady): (Grabs the microphone) We thank you Asemfofro. We need to have patience and realize that speak and let me speak (dialogue)…allows every one to speak their mind.

Unity, unity, let us be patient......Next question…. Last question….…… /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


This is clearly a teachable moment for Ghana’s democracy if ever there was one. It is a “picture-perfect” lesson made for Ghanaian class rooms, halls of government, and water fountains. It presents a lesson for everyone on Ghanaweb who is not asleep, including all the so-called intellectuals and scholars. If one cannot, and will not provide a pithy comment on an event such as this, what is the true purpose for being on Ghanaweb. Or is Ghanaweb all about propaganda, personal aggrandizement, and vanity?

Ghanaians, Ghana-supporters, brothers, sisters, Africans! Why so much talk and so little support about things that truly matter? Don’t forget the great Black American poet-lyricist who toasted, “The Revolution will not be Televised.” Might it be that as “True” patriots we are seeing the “revolution” we are crying for, but are too self-indulged to grasp its significance?


Prof Lungu has concluded that this video provides a very good insight, a teachable moment for Ghana. It shows where Ghana is going and where Ghana must go or fail:

1. Dr. Asemfofro, as a citizen, (not a child or subject) asked the right questions of the Head of State as required of any citizen in Ghana.

2. MC (Lady), as the astuteness, graceful, and patient host, was a great credit to Ghanaian Womanhood. Her conduct of this important event, though poorly organized logistically, supports the earnest call for increased emphasis on the education and training of Ghanaian women to allow them to sit at that table, as equals, as wiser human beings.

3. Head of State, as all the Peoples’ Representative, acted as a true Head of State who recognized that in a democracy not everyone should/can/will support one’s party. That, every citizen has a right to speak to the government, even speak truth to that power, and ask any question of the government.

THE RESOLVE: For these reasons, Dr. Asemfofro, MC (Lady), and President Kufour deserve recognition as “Persons of the New Year (2008).”


1. Thanks to Africast Video Network and Ghanaweb for the insightful video.

2. If anyone knows the name of the MC and the agency she works for, please communicate to all so those inclined can send their best wishes to her, if possible.

Prof Lungu

Tokyo, Japan (23 January 2008)

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.