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Opinions of Sunday, 19 April 2020

Columnist: Nii Pardie

Our health practitioners, our hope

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I have always appreciated our doctors,nurses,midwifery,lab technicians as well as anyone who’s association with the health profession.
But this corona virus pandemic have raise the level of appreciation a notch though I must admit I’m never a fan of hospitals.

Ironically,whilst,everyone is been asked to stay at home for one to avoid contracting the virus and be safe,our health professionals are at the forefront of battling the deadly virus with their lives on the line.

There has been instances where some of these doctors and nurses who are at the forefront of the “war” against the pandemic,have lost their lives the in line of duty.

For example,Professor Jacob Plange-Rhule,the rector of College of physicians and surgeons,succumbed to the novel corona virus recently in Ghana.

Mary Agyeiwaa Agyapong,was a pregnant nurse at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic,who was working at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital,northwest of London, died after a cesarean section,after contracting the virus though the child survived.

The World Health Organization(WHO), also announced recently that, about 10 per cent of the doctors and nurses at the forefront of the fight died in the line of duty.

This really paints a gloomy picture of the well-being of our health professionals and they would forever be in our debt.No amount of monetary reward can compensate for this sacrifice.

That said,it’s now quintessential,that,we pay them back by way of staying at home,using hand sanitizers,using face mask,observing social distancing so as to avoid contracting the deadly virus and to help ease the pressure on them and also avoid all this hoopla with regards to measures been implemented by the Various governments.

Finally,we must bear in mind that these kind of sacrifices and services to God and Country to save humanity cannot be compensated enough with anything.